Imagineer Bolg
1 min readJan 14, 2016

It occurred to me how many in-gym lessons can be quite applicable in our daily lives; how we lead our time in the gym can a fitting analogy of how we lead our lives outside it.

  • no matter how big you’re, there’s always someone bigger. Do your best, compete with yourself, smash your previous self; it’s yourself against the world.
  • never judge someone for how they look, you can never appreciate what they’re experiencing with their bodies, their genetic makeup, their out-of-gym responsibilities (gym isn’t about only physical performance, but mentally too) And yes, I know we shouldn’t judge in the first place, but sometimes it comes naturally and unintentionally.
  • gym can be entertaining, but health is critical.
  • if you can go to the gym, and commit to its requisites, you’re blessed beyond imagination.
  • if you cheat yourself in the gym, you’re cheating yourself outside the gym.
  • gym isn’t only about shape, it’s a lifestyle.
  • don’t repeat the same workout and expect a different outcome.
Imagineer Bolg

My name is Abdulrhman Safar — a bilingual blogger from Saudi Arabia, I blog about ideas & their grounding! Link to my blog: