Art of War: Legions — Upcoming events and how to set your super card pack troops

3 min readNov 12, 2022


Hello friends! It’s getting to be the holidays, and that means events out the wazoo in AOW. Here’s a preview of what’s coming and a special trick that will help during one of the events.

Black Friday Sale — Event time: UTC 2022/11/18 0:00–2022/12/01 23:59

This is from the Carnival sale, but they tend to be the same idea.

This is a pay-to-play offer that gives a a mix of gems, magic dust and hero shards. For about $100 you can get 24 shards, and the selection is pretty good. Seondeok, Aly, Jinn, Chione will all be up for grabs. There are three pack options ranging from $3 American to $10 to $20 and three of each are available to buy. If you don’t spend real money, this is not for you. But, for $100 you can get almost a full Card Master event’s worth of great hero shards.

Odin + Seondeok Wheel AND Gem spending event.

On Nov 22 UTC — 7PM EST on 11/21— Odin will be released. I’m not impressed enough to start building him, but this is also the first time we can choose our wheel hero. Players have been asking for that for a LONG time.

For the gem spending event, you get tiered rewards based on how many gems you spend, up to 50K. The rewards range from gems and scrolls, to troop cards. If you spend 50K gems, you’ll get a pair of Odin shards. I’ll easily clear that just spinning for Seon, but fusions and troop upgrades also count towards the event. Make sure to check the events tab throughout to clear rewards.

Sunshine Supply

This is the best event in the game. Every 10 card Super Card Pack you open gives double medals up to 1000 scrolls or 100 packs. So, if you had 1,000 scrolls, you get 50K medals or more for them instead of 25K medals. That’s 20 level nine upgrades! There is also a chance for better heroes like Seondeok, Aly, Chione, Davison, Poseidon, Kraken and Dracula. It begins 00:00 UTC on 12/23, and will last for 3 days, ending 23:59 UTC on 12/25. The Sunshine Supply event is every six months, so this won’t happen again until summer 2023.

Special trick to set your troops for Super Card Packs

With Sunshine Supply approaching, this is a great trick to know. You can decide the five troops that are favored in super card packs. In a 10 pack, you have to get three of those cards.

A lot of my clanmates will talk about spending scrolls before sunshine because they got a great draw and didn’t want to waste it. I just pick mine.

In an empty formation slot, put two legendary, two epic and one rare troop. No need for a hero, but it doesn’t hurt anything. Run it on level 8k. You will lose. Once you do, force the game closed. This has to be the last thing you do before reset. When you open the game again — after reset — those troops will be your Super Card Pack preferred troops. Now, you don’t have to open 100+ packs and only get those fat bears.

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We are a family of clans in Art of War: Legions. Most of the posts here come from clp3333.