Dime.photo — OST KITα Phase III — Weekly Update #2

2 min readJul 27, 2018


We’re at the halfway point for the developer challenge and I’ve made some good progress on the “Wallet-Lite” functionality for my project.

Balance + Ledger = Wallet Lite

Previously my project kept track of Ðime balances locally, but it was possible to get out of sync, particularly if any token transactions happened outside of the site. The new Balance and Ledger APIs simplify things so I can easily display a live balance and transaction history. I’ve added a new Wallet section to the User’s profile, and it displays a crude transaction log. As users execute actions on the site, I query the Balance and Ledger APIs and record changes to the local database. The local DB stores additional meta data about each transaction, such as the type of action performed and any user(s) involved. My goal for next week is to improve the ledger table to include more user-friendly details.

New Wallet tab in user profile

OST Kit + Python = ❤

I took a detour this week and spent a couple days preparing some of my code for release as an open-source module. I’ve published a Python 2/3 wrapper for the OST Kit API. It’s the first package I’ve published to PyPI, and I hope to keep it updated as OST Kit continues to evolve. If you’re using Python you can install directly from pip or just download the module from Github:

OST Kit Python Module

Why did you decide to register for OST Alpha Phase III?
I enjoyed working on my PoC for the previous developer challenge and wanted to continue improving it alongside the growing OST Kit API. I’m a believer in OST’s vision for bringing blockchain and tokenization to the masses. It is fun to see them move quickly and decisively in growing their product and services in the blockchain arms race.

What is the goal of your project/business’s use of blockchain?
Dime.photo is a photo/meme sharing community similar to Reddit, Imgur, or Flickr. The site features branded tokens called “Ðimes”, which incentivize users to contribute and participate in the community. It demonstrates a working token economy that could replace the meaningless “karma points” that Reddit uses.

What is the current progress for your team’s OST Alpha Phase III development?
I have integrated the new Balance and Ledger APIs, but the wallet is still very bare-bones. Next week I will improve the UX of the wallet and look to add some new features like the ability to purchase Ðimes.

