The Ultimate Guide To One Funnel Away Challenge in 2020

Amar Pachoriya
7 min readJun 27, 2020

In today’s blog post we will discuss why you should accept the One Funnel Away Challenge and we will also try to review the One Funnel Away Challenge.

Before I tell what is One Away Challenge? I want to ask you some questions, if you answer YES to these questions, then you should read this blog post completely.

1. Do you want to grow your online business quickly?
2. Do you want people to buy your product more and more?
3. Do you want to learn how to create a profitable sales?
4. Are you having problems getting sales?
5. Are you ready for your next funnel and you want it to be very successful?

If you answered YES to any of these 5 questions, then this blog post can help you a lot.

What is One Funnel Away Challenge?

What is the one funnel away challenge
What is the OFA Challenge

One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30-day training course in which you are learned to make sales funnel. Basically you are given step by step training from beginning to the advanced level of this challenge that how you can build a profitable sales funnel.

This is a challenge through which you can grow your online business very fast, no matter what your business Niche.

In this challenge, you learn the actual fundamentals of business, which gives an exponential growth to your business. If you learn how to make sales funnel, then you can also increase your client’s business by using this skill.
This challenge helps you to grow every type of business whether it is online or offline.

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In the 30-day One Funnel Away Challenge, you learn about many different types of funnels, some of which are -
1. Sales funnel
2. Marketing funnel
3. Webinar funnel
4. Lead funnel
5. Invisible Funnel etc.

Along with this, you are given training related to the customer’s mindset, which will help you a lot in building a relationship with your customer.
In this challenge, you are given training by a big marketer who has earned millions of dollars from his business.

In these 30 days, this marketer teaches you each step from start to finish and starts a high profitable business in front of you, in which it tells you to make your own actual funnel, and how is it grown?

If you are a beginner then you will get to learn a lot from this challenge which you do not get in any other training or course.

If you have a little knowledge of sales funnel, then you should also accept this challenge because in this challenge you will get to know new methods and secrets which will help you a lot in growing your business.

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One Funnel Away Unboxing or Kit

One funnel away challenge unboxing or kit
OFA Challenge Kit

You can access the One Funnel Away Challenge in two ways -
First, you can get a physical copy of this challenge, and second, you can access a digital copy of it.

When you access the physical copy of this challenge -

When you access the physical copy of this challenge -
You get a pen drive recording the entire 30 days of training in it.

A full 30-day book is provided in which you have completed the entire challenge in deep.

And a blank workbook is given in which you have to write your daily work.

When you access the digital copy of this challenge -

If you buy a digital copy, then you are provided two videos daily for 30 days, which you can access on your laptop or computer. In this, you are given daily work, which you have to complete on a daily basis.

And let me tell you that many entrepreneurs start to become successful before completing this 30 days training.

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By completing this challenge, your business will not start generating six-figure income, but you will be so capable that you can easily grow your business as much as you want and earn money online.

OFA Plan


As such, you get to see about 30 expert interviews and implementation in it, but the person who created this challenge is known as Funnel King in the entire online industry.
Yes, his name is Russell Brunson, who has created this 30 days training course.

One funnel Away Challenge Creators

You can see the list of experts who are going to make you a sales funnel expert in 30 days.

  • Trey Lewellen
  • Liz Benny
  • Garrett J. White
  • Alison J. Prince
  • Dana Derricks
  • Julie Stoian
  • Stephen Larsen
  • Stacey Martino
  • Ed Osburn
  • Tyler Shaule
  • Rachel Pederson
  • Jeremy McGilvrey
  • Peng Joon
  • Myron Golden
  • Jaime Cross
  • Dan Henry
  • Joe McCall
  • Spencer Mecham
  • Anissa Holmes
  • Dean Holland
  • ohn Lee Dumas
  • Rob Kosberg
  • Natalie Hodson
  • Pat Rigsby
  • Caitlin Pyle
  • Akbar Sheikh
  • Rhonda Swan
  • David Asarnow
  • Raoul Plickat
  • James P. Friel

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How does the One Funnel Away Challenge work?

In these 30 days, you are provided two videos every day by Russell Brunson and you have to attend the daily session of Russell Brunson.

The working of the entire challenge can be divided into 6 parts

The One Funnel Away Challenge Road Map

Pre-Training Belief:- In this step, you get a framework of Funnel, what is One Funnel Away Challenge, what is Funnel Hacking and the map of the entire Challenge is explained.

Week #1:- You are trained on what is offer hacking, offer sequences, and how you can make your own product?

Week #2:- This week, you are learned how to write hooks, how to make your own story, and how to explain your hook and story to the customer.

Week #3:- This week you can learn how to create an actual sales funnel, how leads are generated, what is the Clickfunnel, how to sequence pages is set up, sales pages, order forms, and explained about the member areas.

Week #4:- This week, you are given training related to traffic and hooks, and most importantly if your sales funnel fails due to some reason, how should you handle it and Which important steps should you take?

Week #5:- In this week you can learn, what steps should you take to continue growing your business?

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Price and Bonuses of One Funnel Away Challenge

Well, any price for this challenge is less because the value that is provided to you for 30 days, you can not get it by paying millions of dollars.

30 Days Video Mission from Russell Bruson ($997)

30 Days Coaching from Stephen Larsen & Julie Stoian ($997)

One Funnel Away Challenge Customize Kit (30 Days Kit) ($247)

Bonus: Physical Copy of the Challenge Workbook ($97)

Bonus: Mp3 Player ($297)

Bonus: 30 Days Hardcover Book ($97)

Bonus: Unlimited Access to 30 Days Interviews ($197)

Bonus: Behind the Scene -Two Comma Club Interviews ($197)

When you total all these, it is $3126.

One funnel away challenge Bonuses

According to me, it is totally worth it because after this challenge you will start earning many more than this.

But wait — wait,

If you are a Beginner, then this price may be too high for you, so you can access this challenge for only $100 because Russell Bruson wants every entrepreneur who wants to grow his business or wants to change his life, he must accept this challenge.

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Is There A Guarantee?

100% Money-Back Guarantee…

I guarantee that if you participate in the challenge, show up to the daily live calls, implement what you learn, but the time the challenge is done, you will have a complete funnel and a solid understanding of the core fundamentals of direct response marketing and funnel building.

If for some reason you don’t feel like that is true, then you can send back your challenge kit within 30 days from the day it arrives at your house, and receive a full refund of $100.

Pretty simple.

Is The One Funnel Away Challenge Worth It?

According to me, it is completely worth it because you cannot get this type of value you are getting in this challenge. In this, you are given step by step training by 30 experts and how they grow their business in only 30 days, you are learned digitally. When you apply these methods and strategies in your business, you can grow your business exponentially.

Like I have told you earlier that before completing this challenge, many entrepreneurs start achieving success in their business.

Even if you are not doing any business right now, this challenge can help a lot because you can also become an affiliate of this challenge so that you can promote it as an affiliate, and every sale you get a commission of $100.

Do You Accept the Challenge

Seat Availablity…

Since this is a premium course, only limited seats are available, so you can click on the link below to see when the next beach is starting and book your seat.

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Thanks For READING…

If you want to achieve something good in your life, then this challenge can be the first step for you.
And once again thank you very much for reading this article completely, if you have any question related to this One Funnel Away Challenge, then you can ask me.

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Affiliate Disclaimer:

I hope this review or guide of One Funnel Away Challenge has been helpful.

Note that links sited in this article are my affiliate links to the direct One Funnel Away Challenge.

Meaning, if you click on one of the links and sign up, I may receive a commission from Clickfunnels as compensation.



Amar Pachoriya

Hello my name is Amar I have been doing affiliate marketing for the past few years. I will try to put some of my views and reviews of my products on the medium