Quotes: Masayoshi Son, SoftBank

Anurag Pandey
2 min readAug 2, 2020


Quotes from an interview of Masayoshi Son who is the CEO of SoftBank:

Masayoshi Son (Credits: Business Insider)
  1. Singularity is the concept where a computer becomes smarter than a human brain.
  2. Discrimination made me stronger to work harder. I had to prove that I am not different to any other guys, not inferior, it’s same.
  3. I want to earn $10,000 per month and I will allow myself 5 mins a day. What is the most efficient use of my time? It’s invention. I earned $3.2M, and I kept work for 5 minutes a day as I promised.
    ( He did so by inventing first ever electronic translator and sold it to Sharp for $1.7M and made another $1.5M by importing used video games from Japan on credit and installing them in dormitories and restaurants.)
  4. We went bankrupt and somehow I survived.
  5. If chip is something that everybody needs and there is one company which has 99% share, then there must be a value.
  6. If you look at the mankind history, people were killing each other with different battles among different tribes and race and so on, but, in today’s world we don’t have that kind of things in everyday life. We are more civilized. So, when robot’s super intelligence go beyond mankind’s intelligence, they say fighting is the not efficient way of living. The harmony is better. It’s more social.
  7. I have a vision of singularity, that’s really coming. So, we created vision fund. We go and change together and create a better world for human living.
  8. How we can change the life of people for the better humanity. So that people don’t need to die for unnecessary reasons like having accident or having the disease or having the disaster.
  9. Deciding how to spend [money] with respect is more difficult than making money.
  10. In my age of 19, I created 50 years of my life plan and in my age of 60s from 60 to 69, I would decide my successor and have my successor keep on running it.
  11. Uniqueness is actually good you know. If the pack of other people are in one way, and I am unique then I have more opportunities. So, the difficulty tong if you flip over become the advantage.

Originally posted as a thread on my Twitter account.
Also, you can see the interview video here.

