Can You See Beyond Duality?

andréa paige (andi X)
7 min readMay 20, 2020


Gemini New Moon: Friday, May 22nd 10:38am PST

As every new moon, this is a time to look inside and plant new seeds.

It is a time to make intentions for the next two weeks. Set these intentions in the Gemini area of your chart. (ie: If you have Venus or the 7th house in Gemini, it’s a good time to work with relationship, etc.)

In Cosmic Gemini Spirit: Krishna’s Lila.

In this new moon time, we have the Sun, Moon, Mercury AND Venus in Gemini! This is a reminder of the dualistic nature of life on earth. (As if we didn’t get that from the 22nd, 2020…) We are seeing humanity split into more opinions, more good/bad polarization, grouped factions, etc. There is a big other-ing occuring. You are hereby empowered to make the conscious choice to see beyond duality.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” -Jellaludin Rumi


Gemini itself is the non-conformist energy at its best. It can help us find alternative media platforms and different voices. Where are you getting your information these days? With everyone seeming to have an “in”, it’s a bit concerning. Check if your information source is polarized… is it polemic in nature — saying some else is wrong — rather than inquiring into what might be true? What incentive does the person giving you intel have? Perhaps it’s time to seek out alternative media sources.

Follow curiosity and tap out when anyone claims to know what they’re talking about. You’ve heard it before… “unprecedented times.” Not to say there aren’t experts, but this must be a time for us to focus on deep questions rather than providing shallow answers.

This New Moon occurs at the time of a Mercury-Venus alignment, suggesting insight into past relationships or money matters that shines a new light on current conditions.

The Sun and Moon are also square Mars this week. We might be more brash/ or assertive than normal in our communication. So be careful — remember to take that extra breath this week.

Quick Non-Violent Communication guide:

  1. What is a non-biased observation of what’s going on? As a camera would see it, no perspective, no contestable opinion.
  2. How did that make you feel? Study up on what a feeling is. Stay simple — sad, happy, worthless, anxious, etc. “Disrespected” isn’t a feeling. It also incriminates someone else.
  3. What human need of yours wasn’t met? We all share needs for: clarity, love, shelter, a sense of self-worth, respect, being seen, etc.
  4. What is a clear, constructive request you can make to someone for the future? Pro tip: start with “Would you be willing to…” to give them a change to opt out. Think of how they could have prevented the situation. Stay constructive and positive. Don’t ask someone NOT to do something. Instead tell them what would meet your human need.


“Dude! You a**hole! Don’t f*cking eat my chocolate!”

becomes… <deep breath, investigation of what this rage you feel bubbling up inside is actually about… a moment to process in the NVC 4-step framework, find your cool…>

“Hey man, when you ate the chocolate I bought, I was sad, because my need for self-soothing couldn’t be met when I wanted chocolate. Next time, would you be willing to let me know if you want some chocolate so I can buy two?”

Get it? Yes, silly example, but something tells me you’ve been in that situation before…

The modern human species is so heavily interconnected, and yet we’ve not been equipped with the proper communication skills to communicate at the speed which our lives move. Hence, the inflamed aggression and arrogance of our stressed-out species.

Back to the astrology! On Wednesday, the Sun changes into Gemini. Happy birthday to all sun Gemini signs! This may bring an itch to be social… which of course is a challenge in quarantine. Right now — make an appointment on your calendar for this weekend to call those amazing friends for whom “it’s been too long!”

The new moon is trine Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. This contraction-expansion of possibility provides an opportunity to visualize who we will be in 10 years… from the perspective of now. Tap in and take a peek at who you become. Dive into a cosmic summersault of co-creation with fate.


Mercury and Venus (retrograde) now square Neptune — connecting intention, reassessing values and perhaps relationships. Step outside of mind games. Step outside of the old paradigm. Got stories? There is possibility now for insight into old stories about relationships and/or money. This insight will help to shine new light on your current situations.

The ethereal aire of Neptune can lend to confusion or getting lost in illusion. Neptune magnifies desire, fantasy and hope — all intangible energy. Inside your head: “I thought I wanted this, but now I’m not so sure…” Go with it.

(You don’t always have to be so sure of yourself! It’s okay to explore.)

Pro Tip? Shut down your phone for two hours+ at a time daily. Get in touch with nature. Find yourself unmanipulated by the neurochemical onslaught of smartphones + social media. Learn to listen to the sense of clarity that lies in your gut. Re-learn how to discern.

One big theme of this new moon is to learn to asses what is true and what is not (lessons on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis). Follow your gut instinct.

Are your choices coming from fear?

This is a time of crisis in belief. A seismic shift in consciousness. Humanity is rebirthing our conception of who we are and what we’re doing here. We’re seeing the blood we’ve struck from our mindless mining of the earth… peeking toward what healing might look like. Though in this ‘time out’ for humans, mindfulness is required for any new perspectives to take root.

On Friday, as Mercury meets Venus, aspecting Neptune — it brings in the mind and infuses a possibility for obsession. Steer clear of alcohol and addictive substances this weekend.

Now is the time to clarify what we need to feel more stable within ourselves. Decide — who do we want to be in this moment? In this situation? Self-knowledge is the most valuable thing in the world.

“When people show you who they are, believe them.” -Maya Angelou

Hopefully you’ve seen this. Source unknown.


As mentioned, the moon is trine Saturn (and Jupiter), which adds a hopeful, constructive flavour to the mix. Saturn is indicative of the ole’ “getting back to work” and making progress with longer-term goals. Whereas it might not feel like “the economy is opening back up” or we’re back on the road again, Saturn supplies patience and perseverance. We now have a chance to put together thoughts on who we want to be and the legacy we want to live. This is how we honor Saturn.

It is our imperfections that make us endearing to others. Acknowledging this allows our best to not be perfect. What’s called of us right now is to be honest in this mature approach. There is liberation in acceptance. This new moon gives us the power of clarity and asks of us maturity.

Amidst external confusion, a pathway opens leading toward insight into ourselves. Do not let your inner instinct get wrapped up in other people’s opinions. When you hear someone speak, don’t simply listen to the information or words. Listen in to what’s speaking behind the words. How is this person speaking? What aren’t they saying? Learn body language.

In general, this astrological climate bodes well for “moving on.” We are past the worst of the drama. Even if our data privacy continues to dwindle and rights are taken away worldwide, we have turned a corner. Now is the time for personal recovery and societal rebuilding.

I implore you to embrace the communication skills listed herein. You’ll need them when emotions fly high during the June 5th Lunar Eclipse.

Throughout the rest of the year, we will witness gradual shifts out of planets out of Capricorn (top-down authority and patriarchal dominance) toward more revolutionary Aquarian ways using technology to decentralize, with the use of peer-to-peer networks to establish self-soveregnity in all aspects of our lives (including health!)

Krishna’s Cosmic Play: Leela.

“Oh, don’t take life so seriously!
Because seriousness is a great dis-ease, and not only a disease but a suicide also. Be playful — totally because that is the only way to be living. Life is a play, a leela.

If you can act and live as if acting and living in a dream and still be a witness to it then you will be in the cosmic flow, the Tao.

And to be in the cosmic flow is to be free — free from oneself, the Ego. The Ego is the seriousness, the disease, and the Tao, the egoless existence, is the bliss,
the ecstasy.” -Osho



andréa paige (andi X)

Illicit lovechild of Doctor Seuss & Lara Croft. Writer of Cultural Commentary. ||Futurism||EQ||Fasting|| ↠