Qualcomm Trying Hard To Get iPhone Manufacturing And Sales Banned In China

Amit Pandey
2 min readOct 16, 2017


Qualcomm and Apple are standing face to face in a lawsuit battle over patents in China. The new lawsuit comes as a continuation of the legal battle over patents going between this two tech giants. This time Qualcomm wants to see Apple out of China.

Standoff Over Lawsuit

This all started back in January when Apple filed a $1 Billion lawsuit against Qualcomm. Also in August US trade commission said that they are investigating claims about Apple violating patent laws. Clearly Qualcomm and Apple both want to take this battle to court.

Qualcomm filed a lawsuit in a Beijing intellectual property court claiming patent infringement and seeking injunctive relief. China is the biggest smartphone market right now. Also, almost two-thirds of iPhones are manufactured in China.

Christine Trimble, Qualcomm’s spokeswoman said, “Apple employs technologies invented by Qualcomm without paying for them,”. If that’s proven right in court Apple could face some serious challenges up ahead.

In the lawsuit, Qualcomm has claimed that Apple is using a power management and touchscreen technology invented by Qualcomm. Without giving them the fair share. Qualcomm has been backing up this claim for quite a while now.

Earlier this year Tim Cook said in a response to the claims, “The reason that we’re pursuing this is that Qualcomm‘s trying to charge Apple a percentage of the total iPhone value, and they do some really great work around standards-essential patents, but it’s one small part of what an iPhone is,”. “It’s not — it has nothing to do with the display or the Touch ID or a gazillion other innovations that Apple has done. And so we don’t think that’s right. And so we’re taking a principled stand on it, and we strongly believe we’re in the right. And I’m sure they believe that they are, and that’s what courts are for. And we’ll let it go with that.”

Qualcomm filed the lawsuit last month and the Chinese court is yet to make the lawsuit public.

Originally published at Nextworm.

