Check Out Why The iPhone X Took 5 Years To Make

Amit Pandey
2 min readOct 9, 2017


iPhone X is the flagship smartphone from Apple which will start selling this November. Apple Chief Design Officer Jony I’ve said on Friday that the iPhone X took 5 years to build. iPhone X is a one of a kind device with almost no bezel and total screen. As a result, they had to remove the home button and fingerprint sensor completely.

The new iPhone X is the result of numerous failures, Ive claimed during an onstage interview at the New Yorker TechFest conference. The new face Id and the bezel-less display was a lot harder to implement than it might sound.

Ive’s Opinion On iPhone X

“I mean, the phone we just announced a couple of weeks ago, the iPhone X, that technology is something we’d been working on for five years. And we had prototypes,” Ive said. Referring to the hard work they had to put in in last 5 years.

“There’s a tendency, and of course there is, and I understand it, with the benefit of hindsight, all of it seems inevitable,” Ive said. “But for 99% of the time, it didn’t work for us. For the vast majority of the development cycle, all we had were things that failed. By definition, if they didn’t fail halfway through, then we’d be done.”

During the interview Ive was asked about the future of iPhone. Though he chose to stay quiet on that matter. He said, “There are so many opportunities around displays, opportunities as silicon have become smaller and more efficient. Computational power is extraordinary, some of the allowances, some of the opportunities are extraordinary,”

He didn’t forget to give a shoutout to Apple’s silicon department. They have produced the flagship chip of this year. This new chip manages to outperform all its competitors.

“If I get to sit down for 2 hours with one of the world’s best silicon chip designers, I could not be happier,” Ive said.

Originally published at Nextworm.

