Another Samsung Smartphone Exploded, Samsung Tries To Defend Themselves

Amit Pandey
1 min readOct 12, 2017


On September 30th a horrific incident happened in Indonesia. CCTV footage of the incident shows a Samsung phone explodes in the pocket of a man.

The incident happened at Hotel Ciputra in Semarang. The man was identified later by Strait Times as hotel supervisor Yulianto. The video shows him touching his left pocket and suddenly the phone explodes in front of his face. As a result, he fell down on the ground. People ran to save him and then he quickly removed his burning shirt and a man helped him to his feet. He was seen taking off his glasses and holding his hand over his left eye. Clearly, he was in a lot of pain.

Samsung’s Defence

Samsung claimed that the man was using a third party battery. That’s why the explosion happened.

“We sincerely wish for our customer’s swift recovery, and strongly recommend all our consumers to use Samsung’s genuine or approved batteries that have been specifically designed for use in Samsung products,” a spokesman for the tech giant said.

The man suffered only minor injuries.

Earlier this year Samsung had to apologise for the Galaxy Note 7 which kept exploding. Some airlines even banned that phone.

Originally published at Nextworm.

