How Zodiac can change your world! — Part 4

4 min readJun 12, 2019


Lion “The pride”

(July 23 — August 22)

Leos bare an aura of charismatic vibration to them. The fifth zodiac sign Leo is ruled by the “sun”. He is the provider, the shine, and the enchantment that brings life. Arriving at the heart of summer they have a strong personality to rule. The fixed sign Leo is usually confident and loves to live a life of abundance. Their identity shines bright by which they find control through creativity and pride.

In a fancy manner, it is said that Leos rule the theatre playing the lead in the drama and gaining all the attention from their audience. What a Leo loves is the attention and applause that comes along with success. They hold pride for their domineering personality which makes them great leaders. As friends or romantic partners, they can be very generous at heart, known to spoil you with expensive gifts and will frolic around you. Leos have a great love for children even when they are not the most fertile zodiac sign. On a rough introspection, most Leo women look beautiful as a goddess. Leo’s devotion towards family is seen through the emotional and financial support they provide with. To their luck, Leos are ideally blessed with good health. The powerful lions are our pride of the zodiac as they always play their better versions in all the roles of life.

To their flip slide, Leo’s can be egoistic yet insecure at heart that they mask with confidence. They dislike power over them even if it comes in the form of love. When Leo’s ego is hurt they turn resentful. On a lighter note, the Lions have strange chemistry with enhancing and beautifying the quality of their hair. Most of these folks are dedicated workers with good skill sets. Leo’s are not always born to rich parents. Only the one who sees through them can realize how vulnerable that emotional heart can be that’s covered with a masculine ego. Anybody can go praises for their card of “Strength” they bring to your table.

Few Leo’s like bright colours with shades of orange and peach which suits their lustrous charm. The opposite sign of Leo is Aquarius, its common to find couples with this match having better compatibility. The erogenous zones are their back and shoulders, a slight touch to their back can make the lion roar.

Virgin “The perfectionist”

(August 23 — September 22)

The virgin rules the sixth house — The house of health and service. Born when the season of summer is coming to a halt, these folks are mutable in nature. The sixth zodiac Virgo has an acute eye for details. Planet Mercury rules them giving the quality of rational thinking. With a practical approach to life, they always make head over heart decisions and choose the best for themselves. Being the most analytical, they study people and situations that life brings.

Virgos are perfectionists, they want to be perfect and the one dealing with them to be perfect too. They would rather choose to stay alone than to be with someone who ain’t good enough. Virgos choose a partner who is gorgeous and the one who has a great career. They make great decisions as they are quick-witted in nature. These intelligent folks are just not known for their analytical skills but also dedication towards hard work. Ruling the house of health and service makes them very organised and to have an appetite for cleanliness. Most Virgo men appear to look like prince charming as they are blessed with great bodily features.

The virgin embodies anxious energy showing their concerns to health yet can mask their feelings at the same time. Not many Virgos are born in rich families hence they understand the value of helping. Likely introvert in nature, find yourself lucky if you get inside a Virgo’s mind. They appreciate people who are straight forward! Remember they have a critical eye to over analyze everything? Though Virgos can be sensitive to criticisms, they do not hold back to criticize the faulty. Their need for perfection can lead their partners draining to meet their expectation.

The opposite sign of Virgo is Pisces who they find to be more compatible with. The erogenous zone of Virgin is their torsos. Exciting a Virgo’s torsos, stomach and the waistlines can be very appealing to them.

Other Parts

Part 1 - Introduction

Part 2 - Aries and Taurus

Part 3 - Gemini and Cancer

Part 5 - Libra and Scorpio

Part 6 - Sagittarius and Capricorn

