8 FREE Outdoor Summer Activities to do With Your Child

Andrew P. Donovan
5 min readJun 25, 2023
Photo by Francisco Rioseco on Unsplash

Summer always feels like the shortest season.

Your kids are only off from school for two months and within that time, every weekend is packed with things to do and people to see.

Because families with kids are always on the go, summer can get pricey. The gas to drive, the hotels, eating out… it all adds up.

So here are some ideas that’ll cost you nothing but time, can be done close to home, and are free!

Have fun on a budget this summer

1. Splash Pad

Many towns and cities have a splash pad or some kind of outdoor water activity that helps everyone cool down on a hot day.

Pack some outdoor toys, bring sandwiches for lunch, and put a few freezies in a cooler for when the fun has to end. Listen, no one has a bad time splashing around in a gigantic, shallow concrete bathtub.

2. Wash the Car

Throw on some tunes, fill a bucket with some soap and water, get a whole bunch of towels, crank up the hose, and make a fun time out of getting your car all nice and clean.

Washing the car is a great way to teach your child, no matter their age, how to properly clean surfaces. Don’t worry about them…



Andrew P. Donovan

A man who's just trying to be the best husband and father he can be.