This Is Why Men Are Scared Of Raising A Daughter

Andrew P. Donovan
4 min readAug 24, 2022
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Having a daughter terrifies men.

Growing up, my friends and I would joke about not wanting a daughter. We all wanted sons so we could teach them how to throw a ball, connect a punch, and become a man.

We know that world.

We’re comfortable with that world.

Girls…women…they scare the hell out of us. Raising them? That scares us even more.

The reason for this is simple: men know how men behave.

“Not all men”

I can already hear the naysayers pound their chests, declaring that they weren’t scared to bring a daughter into this world, and that girls don’t need men standing up for them — they’re more than capable of doing it themselves and anything to the contrary is misogyny.

I’ll say two things to those claims:

  1. You’re lying. If you weren’t scared to bring a child into this world — boy or girl — you’re either lying or are insane.
  2. It’s not misogyny for a dad to protect his daughter from the dangers of this world in the same way that it’s not misandry for a mum to protect her son from similar dangers. Parents are supposed to protect their children and sometimes they need protection from the misdeeds of those who are attracted to them…



Andrew P. Donovan

A man who's just trying to be the best husband and father he can be.