Saskatchewan Immigration wants a similar immigration plan to that of Quebec — Aptech Visa

3 min readNov 2, 2022


Scott Moe, the premier of Saskatchewan, hopes to increase immigration to Saskatchewan with the aid of the business community. In order to achieve his goal, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe has sought the support of the business sector. He wants Canada to increase immigration to Saskatchewan.

The premier once more emphasized his Saskatchewan Party’s idea of a new partnership with the federal government at a luncheon hosted by the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, in which the state would have more freedom to define its own immigration goals.

We have enough job opportunities but what we lack is skilled labourers, he declared.

The premier wants business leaders in his region to press Ottawa for a new immigration agreement between Canada and Saskatchewan, similar to the one the federal government has with Quebec. Saskatchewan’s immigration goals would increase to 13,000 under such a pact.


According to Jeremy Harrison, Saskatchewan’s minister of immigration and career training, “Saskatchewan requires more autonomy and flexibility over immigration in order to meet its economic needs and address gaps in the labour market.”

IRCC Canada should concentrate its efforts on slashing Canada PR application processing times and allow the provinces to choose immigrants and assure their successful integration,”

Harrison met with the federal and provincial ministers of immigration in late July and presented a thorough plan to grant Saskatchewan immigration authority comparable to Quebec’s.

The Saskatchewan Immigration Accord proposal would transfer federal resources for settlement services to Saskatchewan and allow Saskatchewan sole authority to nominate immigrants relocating to Saskatchewan. It would also govern the family class of immigration.

Additionally, it would ensure that Saskatchewan would receive an annual allocation of nominations commensurate to its population in Canada.

Harrison stated that Saskatchewan anticipates receiving the same treatment regarding immigration as Quebec.

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Saskatchewan seeks tighter immigration regulation

Saskatchewan is looking to increase immigration to reach 1.4 million.

Saskatchewan Government plans to raise the population of Saskatchewan by 1.4 million and add 100,000 employment opportunities by 2030 via immigration being an essential component. The ideal place for provincial governments to fill local labour market gaps with new Canadians is to do so. The provinces shouldn’t be constrained by the federal government’s economic classifications or PNP cap restrictions.

Under the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP), Saskatchewan anticipates meeting and exceeding its existing cap of 6,000 immigrants this year.

The province asserts that firms’ plans to hire foreign skilled workers will be delayed in the absence of an increase to the federal cap. At least 13,000 employments would be allotted to the province this year under a proportionate share of national immigration, more than quadruple Saskatchewan’s present pace of immigration.

According to the government, a Saskatchewan Immigration Accord would limit aid to newcomers by establishing a continuum of services spanning from integration to settlement assistance. A change in settlement service funding would result in an annual payout to the province of almost $42 million dollars.

In the previous 15 years, Harrison remarked, “Our province has gained a great deal of knowledge and created very significant competence in administering and managing the SINP.”


The Canadian government does not have the same understanding of the needs and labour markets in our province as we do. The federal government can concentrate on addressing the excessive processing periods for admissions that are causing such problems for hundreds of thousands of potential new Canadians by shifting the selection of all immigrants to our province, even in the family class.

It also makes it reasonable to give the province the task of delivering settlement programming. We are more familiar with our local partners, their requirements, and the local environment than the Canadian government is.

Want to immigrate to Saskatchewan? Apply under Saskatchewan Express Entry or Saskatchewan PNP.

Find out whether you have the chance to get a Canada PR under SINP have a look at the SINP draw.

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