Ape Energy Labs Whitepaper

Ape Energy Labs
5 min readMar 8, 2022


An Ape Energy Labs Hydro Pass. Holders of the Hydro tier NFT will share 15% of revenue by staking their NFT

What is Ape Energy Labs?

Non-fungible tokens have become a subject of criticism due to their high energy usage and negative impact on the environment. NFTs built on costly blockchains like Ethereum, for example, consume an unsustainable amount of energy through the proof-of-work mining process that Ethereum relies on. Thanks to new innovations in blockchain technology, chains like Solana have reduced the carbon footprint of crypto transactions, however across millions of users, an exorbitant amount of energy is still being used.

We want everyone to be able to enjoy the Solana NFT market and benefit the environment at the same time, killing criticism in its cradle. Enter Ape Energy Labs. We aren’t just pursuing carbon-neutrality. That’s old news. We want NFT transactions on Solana (and other blockchains) to produce twice the amount of energy they consume.

Ape Energy Labs is investing in a renewable energy , carbon reclamation and reforestation projects. We have affiliations with different projects that can help us to make NFT’s carbon negetive.

For every collection we partner with, we will track the number of transactions associated with their NFTs including creation, mints, and secondary market sales. From the green energy Ape Energy Labs produces each month, we will allocate twice the amount of energy used per collection and reclaim twice the amount of Co2 produced to offset the carbon footprint of each of our partners, and we will never allocate beyond our level of production.

The New Standard

We want carbon-negativity to become the new standard for Solana NFT projects. Our pricing scales with collection size so that the cost of carbon-negativity will be a drop in the bucket compared to the mint revenue each partnered project brings in. Our goal is to influence collectors positively so that they expect creators to partner with Ape Energy Labs. Together, we can make the Solana NFT market a net good for the environment, allowing us to enjoy it long-term and shut down any criticism related to energy usage.

What is the POWERED BY APE ENERGY badge?

Our business model is structured around WINx4 partnerships. Project creators on Solana can partner with us so that every transaction associated with their NFT collection, from their Candy Machine creation to trades on the secondary market, produces twice the energy consumed. Creators will receive the POWERED BY APE ENERGY badge to use on their website, social media platforms, etc. along with a host of other benefits including permanent carbon-negativity and specific marketing advantages. Creators will pay a small fee in SOL, based on the size of their collection, and burn one Ape Energy Labs NFT to receive the badge and the advantages that come with it.

Every party involved in these WINx4 partnerships benefits.

  1. Creators enjoy the competitive advantage of launching a carbon-negative NFT collection that produces rather than uses energy.
  2. Collectors can mint and trade with confidence, knowing their purchase helps the environment.
  3. Ape Energy Labs’ renewable energy production will be expanded using 50% of our fee.
  4. Holders of Ape Energy Labs NFTs will receive 50% of our revenue as a wage if they stake their NFTs, and when creators burn their NFTs, the supply is reduced.

Badge Benefits

  • Carbon-negative Candy Machine creation
  • Carbon-negative mints
  • Unlimited carbon-negative transactions on secondary marketplaces
  • Your project will be on the list of carbon-negative projects on our website
  • Partnership Tweet
  • Partnership Discord Announcement
  • Features in our DAO’s alpha chat
  • Two custom Ape Energy Twitter banners

You can find out details about our pricing on our website.

Ape Energy Labs NFT Passes

Ape Energy Labs is a collection of 579 NFT passes granting holders the ability to earn a wage by staking their NFTs. Holders of Ape Energy Labs will be able to stake your NFTs to start earning Solana. Yes, you read that right. You won’t earn a worthless coin. You will earn Solana.


For the work of staking their NFTs, holders can earn a wage from two revenue sources:

50% of revenue from our badge partnerships
50% of revenue from our corporate partnerships (we’ve already acquired one)

There will be seven tiers of NFT passes: Hydro, Lunar, Bio, Plasma, Wind, Solar, and Solana. Those tiers are listed in order of rarity, from most common to most rare. The rarer the pass, the higher the earnable wage will be for staking it.


There are two burn mechanics for Ape Energy Labs.

1. In order to receive the POWERED BY APE ENERGY badge, creators will need to purchase and burn an Ape Energy Labs NFT. They will also pay a fee of Solana, 50% of which will go to stakers of Ape Energy Labs NFTs.

2. 50% of royalties will be used to sweep Ape Energy Labs NFTs and burn them on behalf of creators listing their NFT projects on partnered launchpads


We are a group of environmental activists and green energy experts with strong backgrounds in conservation and green energy engineering. We are partnering with a third-party launchpad so that our mint goes smoothly, and will be using a reputable staking product to offer staking to our holders. Web 3.0 is about empowering experts from a multitude of backgrounds to accomplish their goals through blockchain technology even if they don’t know how to code.

Historically, blockchain enthusiasts and environmental activists have been opposed, but through Ape Energy Labs, the priorities of both parties will no longer be in conflict.

Project Founder

Tical has been a marine conservation pioneer for the last seven years. He founded turtle protection initiatives in Mexico and Central America. He also founded shark protection initiatives in the Caribbean and remote islands throughout the Pacific. Tical became interested in NFTs in the early days of Solana. Though Solana’s carbon footprint is significantly lower than its greatest competitor, Ethereum, there is still a substantial carbon footprint across the tens of millions of Solana transactions that happen annually. Tical, in collaboration with other environmentalists, founded Ape Energy Labs to make the entire Solana NFT market carbon negative.

Renewable Energy Expert and Advisor

Tomats has been working in the renewable energy industry for two decades. He has engineered large-scale wind and solar power projects. He was one of the first green energy advocates to deliver renewable energies to remote destinations. He is the chief advisor to the Ape Energy Labs team regarding renewable energy technologies and deployment.

Head of Farm Acquisitions and Restoration

Olive’s background is in zoning law and ordinance compliance, geographic information systems. She’s been involved in many projects focused on land rights and usage. She is leading the brokerage of carbon offsetting, including legal compliance.

Head of Sales

Curly’s background is in enterprise sales with an emphasis on deployment success. She will be in charge of badge distribution and corporate partnerships.

Mr. Velone
Community Manager

Mr.Velone brings his legal and project management experience to Ape Energy labs as our Community Manager. Mr. Velone has years of Crypto experience and Is always engaged with the community. He will be managing the Ape Energy Labs community on Discord, the moderator team, and our live chat support

