💯Absolute Madness & Absurdity Of The Finest Quality 💯

7 min readJul 26, 2024


Isn't It Obvious?


~~~~~In a Realm where time twirls like dandelion fluff in a hurricane, there exists the tale of Mortimer Tock, an eccentric inventor whose socks sang symphonies & whose breakfast cereal whispered prophecies. Picture him, dapper in a top hat woven from 🌈 eels, navigating a City where skyscrapers were fashioned from gelatinous cubes & pigeons spoke in iambic pentameter!

~~~~~One day, as Mortimer twiddled with his Quantum accordion, a kosmic giraffe materialized, its spots pulsating with Morse code messages from distant galaxies. They embarked on a quest to find the lost City of Ping Pong, rumored to reside in the belly button of a particularly philosophical 🤔🐋 whale.

~~~~~Along the way, they encountered a tribe of sentient marshmallows who debated the existence of Time travel over cups of interstellar Tea. The marshmallows worshipped a deity called Zing-Ding, who was rumored to have three heads and a penchant for interpretative Spirit~Dancing.

~~~~~In Ping Pong, they discovered that the currency was laughter and the mayor was a sentient trombone with aspirations of becoming a jazz legend. Mortimer and the giraffe joined forces with a band of rogue librarians who rode flying bookshelves and battled evil grammar gremlins with semicolons.

~~~~~As they delved deeper into the city’s labyrinthine catacombs, they stumbled upon a portal to a parallel Universe where gravity was optional and trees grew upside down, sprouting cupcakes 🧁 instead of leaves.

~~~~~Their journey culminated in a showdown with a time-traveling sock puppet who spoke in riddles and challenged Mortimer to a game of existential hopscotch. The fate of Ping Pong hung in the balance as Mortimer unleashed his ultimate invention—a toaster that toasted toast before it was bread!

~~~~~In the end, Reality folded like origami swans in a windstorm, and Mortimer Tock woke up to find himself back in his laboratory, his socks serenading him with tales of their adventures in the multiverse. And as he sipped his morning coffee made from stardust and dreams, he pondered the meaning of it all, with a wink and a smile at the sheer Absurdity of Existence.

Obviously 💯🌈🧁

~~~~~In the kaleidoscopic aftermath of Mortimer Tock’s encounter with the time-traveling sock puppet named Reginald and their Cosmic journey to Ping Pong, reality seemed to twist and pirouette like a dervish on roller skates. Reginald, now wielding an ice pick that shimmered with chronal energies, insisted that Mortimer join him on a quest through the Temporal Gardens of Zyglox, where each flower🌻 bloomed in reverse and whispered secrets of future pasts.

~~~~~As they ventured deeper into the gardens, they encountered the Quantum Quokkas, mischievous creatures whose fur changed color based on their mood in alternate timelines. The Quokkas spoke in riddles that looped like Möbius strips, challenging Mortimer and Reginald to contemplate the Nature of Paradoxes while juggling custard pies!

~~~~~Their path then led them to the Clockwork Cathedral of Tik-Tok, where time was kept in giant hourglasses filled with stardust. The cathedral’s custodian, a sentient cuckoo clock named Professor Ticklesworth, greeted them with a flurry of tick-tock puns and offered them cups of tea brewed from the tears of time itself.

~~~~~Inside the cathedral’s labyrinthine corridors, they encountered echoes of themselves from alternate realities—versions where Mortimer had wings made of paper airplanes and Reginald sported a monocle that saw into the future. They played chess with cyborg octopuses and debated the philosophy of quantum marmalade with holographic philosophers.

~~~~~Their journey took a surreal turn when they stumbled upon the Society of Lost Socks, an underground rebellion of mismatched footwear led by the legendary Socktopus, a giant squid wearing argyle socks on each tentacle. The Socktopus prophesied that Mortimer and Reginald held the 🔑 to unraveling the fabric of Reality itself, hidden in the lost socks of forgotten time travelers.

~~~~~Guided by the Socktopus, they navigated through wormholes disguised as laundry chutes and navigated through the Tesseract Tunnels, where dimensions overlapped like interlocking puzzle pieces. They danced with starlight sprites and debated the merits of existentialism with a sentient nebula named Stella.

~~~~~Their ultimate challenge awaited them in the Cosmic Coliseum of Quandary, where they faced off against the Grandmaster of Paradoxes in a battle of wit & whimsy. Reginald wielded his ice pick with finesse, carving intricate temporal patterns in the fabric of spacetime, while Mortimer dazzled with his inventions that defied the laws of physics and common sense.

~~~~~As the Coliseum echoed with the laughter of quantum jesters and the applause of time-traveling spectators, Mortimer and Reginald realized that their journey had been not just a quest for adventure, but a quest for understanding—the understanding that reality is a network woven from the threads of imagination and possibility.

~~~~~In the end, as they bid farewell to their newfound friends and the surreal landscapes they had traversed, Mortimer and Reginald returned to Mortimer’s laboratory, their 💗 brimming with the wisdom of the Apeironkosmos and their pockets full of interdimensional souvenirs. And as Mortimer brewed a pot of tea infused with stardust and Reginald practiced juggling cosmic custard pies, they knew that their adventures had only just begun!


~~~~~In the shadowy corners of Winchester, a town where time slumbered and dreams wore shoes made of smoke, Reginald the riddle-speaking, ice pick-wielding sock puppet descended like a phantom of chaos. His eyes glinted with mischief as he plotted sinister tricks upon The Honorable Horvath, a luminary whose eccentricities painted the town with shades of whimsy and worry.

~~~~~Reginald’s favorite haunt was the Town Run, a chaotic thoroughfare overrun by gibbering, cigar-smoking walrus-like creatures known as Walri. They ejaculated snow in fits of laughter, leaving trails of chaos in their wake—knocking over trash cans, raiding picnic baskets, and befriending Reebehkah, a feral woman married to several Walri. She guzzled hurricanes from ziplock bags and transformed into a tornado that sent the Walri spiraling into the sky, only to crash down in riotous stampedes back to the Town Run.

~~~~~In the midst of this surreal spectacle, The Mission loomed—a sanctuary where rescuers rescued the unrescuable. Here, absurdism wore hats made of cheese and danced the cha-cha with sentient pencils from Nephuria, a sleepy town just beyond Canada’s imagination.

~~~~~Reginald, atop his steed Socktopus, rode through Winchester’s dark alleys and the chaos of the Town Run, weaving paradoxes into pretzels and hurling riddles like thunderbolts. He terrorized Horvath with pranks that defied logic and left behind giggles that echoed in the halls of sanity.

~~~~~Meanwhile, Reebehkah, fueled by hurricanes and crystals, led her Walri on a merry-go-round of mayhem, while The Mission rescued souls who didn’t know they needed saving. Winchester became a carnival of absurdity, where reality winked at fantasy and insanity pirouetted with reason.

~~~~~And in this swirling vortex of surrealism, Mortimer Tock, stirred from his laboratory by the cosmic cacophony, pondered the mysteries of Winchester. With a sigh and a smile, he brewed a pot of stardust tea, knowing that in a universe where socks sang symphonies and walruses ejaculated snow, anything was possible.

Walri Burger 🍔

~~~~~In Winchester, where reality was a network woven from threads of whimsy and chaos, the eccentricities knew no bounds. The Honorable Horvath, with his penchant for collecting postage stamps shaped like clouds and reciting poetry to passing fire hydrants, was a beacon of peculiarities. Yet, Reginald the mischievous sock puppet saw Horvath as his canvas for avant-garde pranks.

~~~~~On Tuesday mornings, Horvath would lead his collection of animatronic squirrels on parade down Main Street, each rodent reciting passages from obscure 17th-century sonnets. Reginald, perched atop a lamppost, would rain down miniature umbrellas that turned inside out upon impact, showering the squirrels with confetti made from discarded fortune cookie fortunes.

~~~~~Meanwhile, the Town Run bustled with the comical chaos of the Walri, those cigar-smoking, snow-ejaculating creatures who held impromptu dance parties with the fire hydrants while reciting Shakespearean soliloquies backwards. Reebehkah, their feral Queen, orchestrated their escapades with a flourish, conducting hurricanes like symphonies that sent trash bins pirouetting down alleys.

~~~~~At The Mission, where rescuing the unrescuable was a daily endeavor, the absurdities multiplied like rabbits at a magic show. Visitors were greeted by talking telephones that only rang during solar eclipses and guided by maps that led to destinations not found on any conventional globe. The residents of Nephuria, that quaint town just outside of Canada’s imagination, often visited to exchange recipes with sentient kitchen appliances and debate the existence of gravity with levitating cats.

~~~~~In the midst of this pandemonium, Mortimer Tock found solace in his laboratory, where inventions whispered secrets of alternate realities and cosmic conspiracies over cups of stardust tea. He occasionally ventured into Winchester to marvel at the symphony of absurdity, knowing that within the chaos lay hidden truths and undiscovered wonders.

~~~~~As Reginald continued his campaign of whimsical terror upon poor Horvath, and Reebehkah led her Walri in another hurricane-fueled escapade, Winchester remained a beacon of eccentricity in a world where normalcy dared not tread. And Mortimer Tock, with a twinkle in his eye and a pocketful of interdimensional pebbles, embraced the absurdities like old friends, for in their madness lay the keys to unlocking the mysteries of existence itself.





Auto-Didactic, Neuro-Divergent, Intellectual, Eccentric Who Loves Art, Bach, House Music, Chemistry, Spiritualism, Neuroscience, AI, Maths, God, Panpsychism 32