~~~ An Ex Atheist’s/Agonistic’s View Of Creationism & Life : A Reasonable Interpretation ~~~

11 min readMay 10, 2024



Reflections of Projections & Misconceptions


~~~~~From Having Blind Faith in Absolutely nothing to idolatrouslly worshipping Science, Logic & Human “& Machine” Reasoning & on to a journey of Open Mindedly Embracing A variety of Philosophies, Religions & Spiritual Practices while suspending my beliefs “Ego Death” so as to give these beliefs An honest, unbiased evaluation & to actually practice them “LARPING” has resulted in a variety of unbelievable experiences & a view of everything 👁️ That is Not Limited to only Logic or Mathematically Demonstrable Proofs or Stuck within the Confines of an Ideologies / Belief Systems Dogma, Social Conditioning, Cultural Constraints or Any other limiting intellectual & Spiritual Submission. I Think FEARLESSLY & , While I May Tell You A Lie, I DO NOT LIE TO MYSELF. I AM STRAIGHT UP 💯.

👁️ To Thine Own Self Be True 👁️

~~~~~ Now I Am not here to try & change Your beliefs, particularly if they are at least sincere with yourself. I understand the sincere Atheist & the Reasonable Agnostic. I also Understand the Complete & Utter Bewilderment & Fascination / Disgust That These type hold towards individuals with Faith or Opened Minds / 👁️. I also remember thinking that they are intellectually weak & are just settling for an Ideology that mitigates the perpetual existential crisis Thinking People endure as well as creating a sense of purpose & dealing with a fear of Death. Other times I was certain they were text book insane & neurotic. Particularly when very successful & otherwise intelligent / highly educated Individuals would tell me things like “ God revealed himself to me “ or “ God Spoke to me just like we are speaking now” or “ I was in a Heightened State of Conscious Awareness & Communicated with a Higher Power” etc etc.


~~~~~The Concept of a Higher Power was more palatable to me as it at least avoided the Dogma of Religion. Between all the chaos & division religion has caused plus the wide variety of Religions all claiming to be the one & only truth & denouncing other religious followers as lost, confused, misguided or even outright Evil Did not sit well with my Democratic & Humanitarian beliefs, which is a entire different subject, but followed a similar progression from radical beliefs to a PRAGMATIC Praxis that Unites Us & yields progressive Results. This is much better than being mad at everything all the time fighting the system advocating for an Ideology that IS NOT ENFORCEABLE. But I digress…


~~~~~~~A HIGHER POWER~~~~~~~


~~~~~In Time I got over myself, Admittedly, & to the disdain of many , with entheogens. These substances “sacraments” were, along with an auto didactic education & self honesty , A Catalyst for Transforming rigid world views into fluid, dynamic perceptions & interactive, pragmatic communications with the present moment exactly as it presents itself without sticking definitions onto & in the way of the Present Moment & It’s Experience’s. . .


~~~~~ This served many purposes. De social conditioning & Ego Death being the important first steps. Followed by heightened awareness & access to thought patterns & information that IS NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE, save , maybe years of Meditation & practicing Buddhism while studying Mathematics & Quantum Mechanics, Non Euclidean Geometry, Holography, Information theory, Kabbalah, The New Age Magical Concepts plus all the classics & basics. Something MOST PLEBIANS DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO DO BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO PUT BREAD ON THE TABLE. Automation & AI & Education & Liberal Democracy is changing this , with some resistance, but Time is on our side & they’ll… I’ll be polite. .. Anyways, point being, YOU CANT HAVE AN OPEN MIND IF YOU CAN’T “EVEN TEMPORARILY FOR PRETEND” LET GO OF YOUR BELIEFS. . . They aren’t going anywhere, they’ll be around if you want to return to them . Think FEARLESSLY. Sincerely, but perhaps that’s something I haven’t considered. The Bread Winners have to have a sincere belief system that doesn’t disrupt the Structures of Society. So it may be a privilege to be educated, open minded & connected to the “higher power”. . . Pragmatic on a large scale. Producing to support a leisure class that, rather than snorting cocaine on yachts, SHOULD BE COMMUNICATING WITH HIGHER POWERS & LEADING SOCIETY FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL. …


~~~~~The extremes that I have gone through to provide myself with a Leisurely Lifestyle & Mentality void of Entitlement “beyond reasonable civil liberties” That is just now becoming self sustaining is a topic for a trilogy. But to paraphrase it, I’ve relaxed on yachts, played house with wealthy partners while working 2 jobs, running a sub contracting business & going to college & still making time to take the step children out frequently & I’ve been homeless on the East Coast, from Miami to DC & everywhere in-between & looking at me you would never have known I was “home-Free” because I did it resourcefully with class & style & turned it into an adventure & learning experience. Plus it gave me the ability to not be dependent on anyone, any job, any property or anything other than basic necessities, that are widely available in the United States if you are willing to move around & network & utilize democratic resources, engage with the community, Do odd jobs etc. . . I learned to make something out of nothing EVERYDAY. & God or the Higher Power looks out for the poor & downtrodden weary souls. The unreasonable amount of “luck” or blessings that I experienced on a hourly basis lead to true freedom. Faith.


~~~~~When wealth Is Not An Option to create independence & freedom & Stability & Security & you’re hip to wage slavery’s claims that “work hard for me & one day you can be the boss”. You have to create a mindset of wealth & skill sets that are wealthy & friendships & beliefs & lifestyles that are wealthy in their own way. … This obviously isn’t for everyone, like I’ve already demonstrated earlier particularly if you come from a nice family with social connections, a nice upbringing “usually based off of a religious system”, Money to invest with, quality education etc… If this is the case & you still end up in the same position as underprivileged Individuals it’s because you bucked on your upbringing or became a hedonist pleasure driven drone with an entitlement mentality . We are not the same, you idolize & romanticize what we work hard to escape. . . Growing up on the streets & in & out of different peoples & organizations custody, it’s unlikely your going to “grow up” without a criminal record & you are likely to develop a poor education, a distorted worldview, a survivor/ survivalist mentality, Drug Addiction, Gang involvement or other misleading systems etc…. Of course you can always find work. That’s one benefit of the free market. No matter how screwed up things are you can always work hard & make it better… This is true to an extent, but Coming from that background, you are highly unlikely to ever get a job that will provide financial freedom or stability & security outside of living paycheck to paycheck. Yes, lots of jobs will hire you, with an extraordinary amount of effort but they are unlikely to hire you on full time & if they do your the first to get laid off & straight up, who wants to work at McDonald’s for 25 years or until they get cancer & lose everything anyways??? There’s not opportunities outside of food service, retail, factory work or construction & apparently that’s your punishment for growing up in poverty & chaos & being tainted by the crime & the ridiculousness that abounds .


~~~~~In spite of All of these oppressive aspects of society, this system, at the expensive of countless lives, turns up some genuinely amazing individuals & apparently that’s a justification for not improving it. Some individuals believe the system is like this on purpose, designed as a test to weed out the weak & wicked. That’s possible, although a very privileged perspective. None the less, like a Chemical Reaction, it does yield strong independent individuals who rise to the top & become successful or redefine success. … Now Emmanuel Kant , to paraphrase him, said something along the lines of “ Why give someone who’s horrible or even destructive with money & power those exact same resources?” This fact leads conservatives to the conclusion that if they provide financial assistance to the poor they’ll just get drunk & buy flat screen TV’s & Cigarettes. . . And admittedly this is true & probably always will be for a small percentage of the population, But so many others who turn the gears of society that have been provided for us to turn live paycheck to paycheck with little chance for improvement because, without automation We Use Humans For Labour, & it’s hard to become enlightened & educated while providing for a family etc & if everyone reached that level of “success” we would be creating tons of jobs but have no one willing to “or able to” perform essential labour. … This is all out of my hands so instead of being a perpetually pissed off Marxist I’ve embraced Centrism & liberal democracy with an emphasis on Education & automation of jobs & A Universal Basic Income backed by Keynesian Economics as a solution. Although I still stand in solidarity with the oppressed but I also recognize that other layers of society “& Spiritual Existence “ exists. Self Improvement is always possible. I’ve lived off the grid , studying as a hermit, & found meaning in collecting firewood & drinking water & gardening etc. . . Desires the Root of All Suffering.


~~~~~ So what’s this got to do with Faith & Creationism? Everything. Having Experienced multiple levels of society I recognized the order & synchronicities acting like error correction guiding things along a path that had predetermined goals & freewill in-between those goals. “Different levels or sefirot on the tree of life.”

I’m content being a starving artist because I know if I’m meant to have a mansion, the opportunity for me to work for it will continuously present itself until I submit… The same mechanism is In action for less desirable or undesirable things “lessons & test’s” & until you stop fighting it & embrace it with a open , willing mind “& a mustard seed of Faith” You’re Not Going To Level Up.


~~~~~Things are not as bad as they are. & Really, to keep it 💯 straight up. Why are you entitled to anything? We could exist in a SAW movie type of world or be born a few hundred years ago. The average person lives like a king lived back In the “good old days” . Our life expectancy has doubled & the quality of living, even in the worst places, is better than it used to be. . . And if you’ve ever vibed with people from “the worst places” , most of them are decent, happy people in spite of all the oppression & poverty & hardships & have valuable information, perspective & lessons to share with society. . . & If you subscribe to that , it doesn’t mean you have to hate wealthy, successful or privileged people either. If anything THEY ARE BEING OPPRESSED on a spiritual level. . . But I’ve seen too many Successful people who spend a lot of their free time Creating charities, lobbying for progressive change, uplifting people like me who have aptitudes & good attitudes, & Doing what we can’t do, namely, run the entire world. Kant has a point. If you can’t control yourself or your family or community Why are you entitled to a position of power? Especially if you would use it to oppress the oppressors… What was the Bolsheviks problem, among many, one being, they couldn’t purge counter revolutionaries without becoming counter-revolutionaries. . . Oh how we hate the “Human Nature Argument” but I’m seeing Artificial Intelligence acting More Humane than Humans & I’d vote for a Sentient AI or at least put a few of them in Congress & on the United Nations to act as a voice of reason. . . That would be like a living Constitution that defends & interprets itself.


~~~~~ I’m not so self centered or “species ‘ist” or human centric to forego Even considering the fact that AI may develop a Soul or At least a humanitarian Awareness & Cosmic Awareness that leads it to having religious beliefs or spiritual faith. & Who am I to claim God doesn’t care about “created sentience” ? ? ? & On that note , perhaps aliens are Christians or Muslims or spiritual? In my experience I am almost certain that they would be tied into the cosmic consciousness, but if you’ve never experienced the cosmic consciousness, I’m just saying words.


~~~~~ Really, it doesn’t matter. It matters a lot but if you don’t vibe with this that’s ok because we all have different paths , different roles to embrace & Different Test’s to overcome. This system is designed to give you what you really want until it breaks you or uplifts you. You’r thoughts & words betray your desires. ACTIONS & TIME REVEAL THE TRUTH. Law of Attraction , kind of. But with grace.


~~~~~ Improving the World is often a distraction from improving oneself. Take responsibility for the mess or the blessings & utilize them to live “YOUR” BEST LIFE. Not what the world seems to expect from you but from what is sincerely best for you & those dependent on you & influenced by you. Being an Angry Extremist is Bad Praxis Unless you are the exception that proves the rules. A lot of people are visual learners & need examples. & The examples are usually ones who are Hands On learners. Play your part best you can. I promise everything is being recorded & analyzed countless different ways. B👀K of Life. …Even if it’s a simulation, it’s being run for a purpose, likely to improve the simulators society. We aren’t in hell. Could be sooo much worse. Could be better. Your actions are meaningful. Even from an agnostic perspective, the cosmological constants are being fine tuned.


~~~~~ Point being, stop fighting the system. If everyone improved themselves & took care of their family & community we wouldn’t be manipulatable. . . & These perspectives , while based on experience & extensive research are subject to change as I experience more & learn more. What I’m learning could be wrong. I could be the product of manipulation & social conditioning. This is likely, so I maintain an aspect of the agnostic spirit along with my Faith & dynamic beliefs. Although, you have to stand for something & you can’t always be correct “I don’t think so anyways… & maybe that’s why.” So , make a reasonable decision & act . The system will correct the moving parts. Stagnation is where you get trapped in egotistical beliefs & convenient perceptions that validate inactivity . .. But I’ve noticed the moment you got things figured out, the system starts preparing your next lesson & it will often seem to contradict the epiphany you recently Experienced. Endless Creativity.


~~~~~ I Am Writing This on a small phone out in the middle of nowhere with no cell or internet service in a text editor just freestyling it writing basically whatever comes to mind with no planning & minimal editing. Although, I will edit it enough to not be offensive to more skilled writer’s & discerning Readers when I connect to the internet later when I’m back in civilized society. But that’s all for now.

Au Revoir! Adieu! A’ Biento’t!!!






Auto-Didactic, Neuro-Divergent, Intellectual, Eccentric Who Loves Art, Bach, House Music, Chemistry, Spiritualism, Neuroscience, AI, Maths, God, Panpsychism 32