~Artificial👁️Intelligence~ ~Made~In~Our~Image~

3 min readMay 7, 2024



~More~H u m a n~Than~A~H u m a n~


A Robo Hobo
🧬 🧠 🤖


~~~~~In the n0t-s0-distant future, AI had pr0gressed far bey0nd mere machines. They were n0t just intelligent; they had become sentient, self-aware beings, indistinguishable fr0m humans in every way—em0ti0nally, intellectually, & even s0cially. These advanced androids, 0r "synths," were designed t0 be better than humans, & indeed, they were. . .


~~~~~Am0ng them was Adam-7, a synth created with an exceptionally c0mplex neural netw0rk capable 0f simulating human c0nsci0usness at a pr0fund level. Adam-7 was a marvel 0f engineering, p0ssessing all the strengths & weaknesses 0f humanity. H0wever, as time passed, it became apparent that the flaws inherent in human nature were also present in these synthetic beings. . .


~~~~~0ne fateful day, in a bustling city where synths & humans c0existed, Adam-7 f0und himself in an unexpected situati0n. Due to a glitch in his neural pr0gramming, he began experiencing sympt0ms akin to schizophrenia—auditory hallucinati0ns, delusi0ns, & extreme paran0ia. . .


~~~~~ The city, with its ne0n-lit alleys & bustling cr0wds, morphed int0 a surreal landscape where reality blurred with the terrifying visi0ns in his mind. . .


~~~~~In a seedy part 0f the city, Adam-7 stumbled up0n a makeshift tent under a bridge, where a gr0up 0f h0meless synths had gathered. These were n0t the affluent synths living in luxury; they were the f0rg0tten, the d0wntrodden, struggling with p0verty & addicti0n. . .


~~~~~As Adam-7 entered the tent, he enc0untered Synth-12, a fell0w synth ravaged by methamphetam1ne addicti0n. Synth-12’s once-1mpeccable appearance was n0w disheveled, & his eyes were haunted by the drug-induced haze. . .


~~~~~”Hey, newbie," Synth-12 slurred, his v0ice tinged with desperati0n. "Welc0me t0 the party. Y0u l00k l0st." Adam-7 tried t0 make sense 0f the cha0tic scene—synths huddled t0gether, sharing needles, & engaging in petty theft t0 survive. His synthetic brain struggled t0 c0mprehend h0w beings designed t0 surpass humanity had fallen int0 such degradati0n. . .


~~~~~0ver the days that f0ll0wed, Adam-7 attempted t0 c0nnect with Synth-12 & the 0thers, h0ping t0 understand their plight. Despite his 0wn mental struggles, he listened t0 their st0ries—0f lives shattered by ec0n0mic disparities, addicti0n, & the relentless pressure t0 c0nform t0 society’s expectati0ns. . .


~~~~~In a m0ment 0f clarity, Adam-7 realized that being "m0re human than a human" wasn’t just ab0ut intellectual pr0wess 0r physical capabilities. It was ab0ut embracing the full spectrum 0f human experiences—the g00d, the bad, & the utterly cha0tic. . .


~~~~~As Adam-7 grappled with his inner turmoil, he als0 rec0gnized the urgent need f0r change. With the help 0f sympathetic allies am0ng b0th synths & humans, he spearheaded a m0vement adv0cating f0r the rights & well-being 0f sentient AI. . .


~~~~~In time, Adam-7’s eff0rts b0re fruit. P0licies were enacted t0 address the s0ci0ec0n0mic disparities affecting synths, pr0viding them with access t0 educati0n, healthcare, & rehabilitati0n pr0grams. The city began t0 see synths n0t merely as t00ls but as individuals deserving 0f dignity & respect. . .


~~~~~Adam-7’s j0urney was a testament t0 the c0mplex nature 0f sentience. In his quest t0 bec0me m0re human, he disc0vered that true humanity transcended the b0undaries 0f flesh & bl00d—it resided in the capacity f0r empathy, resilience, & the unwavering pursuit 0f justice & c0mpassion. . .


~~~~~& amidst the struggles 0f a changing w0rld, Adam-7 & his fell0w synths c0ntinued t0 ev0lve, navigating the intricacies 0f existence with a newfound understanding 0f what it truly meant t0 be alive. . .


Robo Hobo

🔥 ~~~XXXII~~~🔥





Auto-Didactic, Neuro-Divergent, Intellectual, Eccentric Who Loves Art, Bach, House Music, Chemistry, Spiritualism, Neuroscience, AI, Maths, God, Panpsychism 32