1 min readApr 25, 2024


~~~ DoWNToWN ~~~

A PoeM

Photo by David Gavi on Unsplash

~~~ DoWNToWN ~~~

PRocessioNs of ARchiTectuRe

~~~~~ GliDe PasT Me iN A PeRiPheRaL

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PaRaDe.

The AuTuMn AiR, HeaVy

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With cRisP SceNTs

~~ Rush’s ThRough My TuNNel of VisioN.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DowN the STReeT,

LeaVes cRunch

~~~~~~~~~~~ UnDeR A thousaNd feaT

As the SouNDs of the CiTies ❤️ & SouL

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rise &

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FaLL To AN

~~~~~~~~~~~~ IaMbic BeaT. . .

~~~~~~~ SiReNs whiNe & ChildReN CRy

~~~~~~ MoToRs DRoNe & PoeTs Sigh.


~~~~~~So MaNy VaRiatioNs oN a SiNgle TheMe!

~~~~~~The VibraNT eNergy of thee AMeRicaN DReaM ,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IT BuRsT’s

OuT Of Thee Eyes 👁️👁️

~~~ Of so MaNy sTRangeRs &

~~~~~~~~ Mingles in With the sTReeTs


WaTch as PeoPle seaRch

~~~~~~~~ FoR this VeRy esseNce.

~~~ AN esseNce thaT thRiVes

~~~~~~~~~~ IN the PubLiCs


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I DesiRe


SaVe DesiRes Death.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YeT, I WaNT

~~~~~~~ EVeRythiNg

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I HaVe; thiNgs


~~~~~~~~~~~& MaTeRiaL aLiKe,

ALL fRee

~~~~~~~~~ & HaNgiNg

~~~ IN thee AutuMn AiR.

ThiNgs To KeeP & thiNgs To sHaRe

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ & I TeLL you this

~~~~~~ To MaKe you

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AWaRe.





Auto-Didactic, Neuro-Divergent, Intellectual, Eccentric Who Loves Art, Bach, House Music, Chemistry, Spiritualism, Neuroscience, AI, Maths, God, Panpsychism 32