~Exploring the Potential Existence of Non-Neural Consciousness~

3 min readApr 24, 2024



🦠 Insights from Cellular Slime Mold & Microtubule-Enhanced Networks🦠


These Tiny Networks Of Clear Filaments Are More Widespread Than People Realize



~~~~~This paper delves into the fascinating realm of Consciousness, proposing a Novel exploration of its potential existence beyond Traditional neural frameworks. Dr. Evelyn Moore’s research with Cellular Slime Mold, integrated with Microtubule Structures, serves as a catalyst for investigating the enigmatic relationship between Biological Systems & Consciousness. Through experimental observations & theoretical considerations, we contemplate the implications of these findings on our Understanding of Memory, Consciousness, & Information Processing.


Various Stages Of Development



~~~~~The study of Consciousness has long intrigued Scientists, Philosophers, & Researchers alike, challenging conventional paradigms & inspiring unconventional investigations. Dr. Evelyn Moore’s pioneering work represents a departure from orthodox approaches, introducing Cellular Slime Mold as a Model for studying Memory & Consciousness Outside Neural Systems. This paper elucidates the experimental setup, theoretical framework, & implications of her groundbreaking research.


Releasing Spore's

Experimental Methodology


~~~~~Dr. Moore’s experiments involved the integration of Microtubules—a crucial component of cellular architecture—into the Network of a Cellular Slime Mold. This innovative approach aimed to explore whether non-neural structures could exhibit characteristics reminiscent of Neural Networks, including Memory Formation & Responses to Stimuli. The setup enabled real-time monitoring of the Mold’s behavior under various conditions.


Cellular Slime Mold

Results & Discussion


~~~~~The results of Dr. Moore’s experiments Revealed Remarkable Phenomena within the Cellular Slime Mold. Observations indicated a CompleX Network resembling Neural C0nnectivity, suggesting the potential for information processing beyond traditional neural frameworks. The Mold’s Responses to Stimuli hinted at a Rudimentary Form of Memory, challenging preconceived notions about Consciousness localization within the 🧠.


The intricate Life Cycle of Cellular Slime Mold. It has a zygote phase that responds to environmental conditions which in turn determines what form it's going to take. It's a ShapeShifter.

Theoretical Implications


~~~~~Drawing upon Quantum Information Theory & Non-Local Consciousness Hypotheses, this research offers new avenues for understanding Memory & Consciousness. The integration of Microtubules within the Slime Mold’s Filamentous Network raises intriguing questions about the Role of Quantum Phenomena in Biological Processes & The Potential for Consciousness to Transcend Individual Organisms.


Bio-Mechanical Cellular Slime Mold



~~~~~Dr. Evelyn Moore’s research with Cellular Slime Mold & Microtubules presents a Compelling argument for Re-evaluating the Nature of Consciousness. By exploring Memory & Information Processing in Non-Neural Contexts, this work challenges the 🧠 Brain-Centric 👀 View of Consciousness & invites interdisciplinary collaboration to unravel the Mysteries of Cognitive Phenomena. Further investigations into the enigmatic interplay between Biology, Quantum Mechanics, & Consciousness promise to 🕯️ Illuminate New Frontiers in Our Understanding of Life & Cognition.


1. Moore, E. et al. "Exploring Non-Neural Networks: Cellular Slime Mold as a Model for Studying Consciousness." *Journal of Experimental Biology*.2. Penrose, R., Hameroff, S. "Consciousness in the Universe: A Review of the 'Orch OR' Theory." *Physics of Life Reviews*.3. Chalmers, D. J. "The Puzzle of Conscious Experience." *Scientific American*.






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