
3 min readMar 3, 2024



~~~~~In a world where the echoes of classics mingled with the whispers of geometry, the key to advancing humanity lay in the sacred halls of education. The journey began with the timeless tales woven through the classics, where the threads of history intertwined with the very fabric of existence. It was a pilgrimage through the corridors of knowledge, a passage that not only validated entitlements but also paid homage to the sacrifices of ancestors.


~~~~~Amidst the pages of literature and theorems of geometry, the protagonist delved into the realms of entheogens and ego death. These uncharted territories of consciousness became portals to profound understanding, revealing layers of existence that traditional education often overlooked. The individual, having traversed inner cities, rural communities, farms, forests, and tribes, sensed a missing link—a whole other subject nestled within the tribal realm.


~~~~~In the heart of tribal wisdom, there existed a repository of knowledge untouched by conventional academia. It was a treasure trove of insights waiting to be unveiled. The protagonist pondered the significance of the equator, where savage tribes thrived, untouched by the constraints of colder environments. The juxtaposition of intelligence and civilization, seemingly imprisoned in frigid landscapes, hinted at the complex dance between nature and nurture.


~~~~~Civilization, the protagonist believed, held the key to progress. Yet, the exploration of justice, logic, order, mercy, compassion, and virtuous values revealed themselves as the guiding constellations in this vast intellectual universe. Stability, security, health, happiness, purpose—all unfolded like chapters in an epic novel, each element contributing to the grand narrative of human evolution.


~~~~~As the protagonist weaved through the tapestry of their own experiences, the stories of inner cities painted a mosaic of diverse perspectives. The concrete jungles echoed with the struggles and triumphs of humanity, mirroring the complexities of civilization. Rural communities whispered tales of simplicity and interconnectedness, where the heartbeat of the land synced with the rhythm of life.


~~~~~Farms and forests became classrooms of resilience, teaching lessons of growth and adaptation. The tribal encounters, however, held a mysterious allure—a whole realm of knowledge often marginalized by mainstream education. It was in these tribal gatherings that the protagonist discovered a profound understanding of symbiosis, reciprocity, and a harmony with the natural world.


~~~~~The equator, a belt of both intensity and serenity, housed tribes labeled as savage by conventional standards. Yet, within their customs and traditions lay a different kind of intelligence—a wisdom untainted by the cold shackles of modernity. The protagonist questioned whether the perceived savagery was, in fact, a testament to a harmonious existence with the environment, a dance with the equatorial rhythms.


~~~~~In the pursuit of civilization, the protagonist championed the cause of justice, logic, order, and virtuous values. The pillars of stability and security rose from these foundations, creating a framework for societal prosperity. Health, both individual and communal, became the cornerstone of a civilization’s resilience. Happiness, purpose, and the intricate tapestry of human connections painted the vibrant hues of a thriving society.


~~~~~Yet, as the protagonist stood at the intersection of the classics and the tribal, of geometry and entheogens, they realized that true progress lay in embracing the entire spectrum of human experience. The symphony of education, from the structured notes of traditional disciplines to the improvised melodies of tribal wisdom, echoed the diverse harmonies of existence.


~~~~~The story unfolded not merely as a narrative but as a testament to the intricate dance between knowledge and experience. The protagonist, a seeker of wisdom, found that the answer to advancing humanity lay not in exclusive domains but in the inclusive embrace of all facets of learning. As the final chapter of this intellectual odyssey unfolded, the protagonist carried the torch of enlightenment, illuminating the path for generations yet to come.






Auto-Didactic, Neuro-Divergent, Intellectual, Eccentric Who Loves Art, Bach, House Music, Chemistry, Spiritualism, Neuroscience, AI, Maths, God, Panpsychism 32