~~~ The Alchemist’s Journey ~~~

4 min readApr 6, 2024



In the ❤️ of a bustling 🏙️, tucked away in a modest apartment, lived a young man named Elias. While others his age pursued conventional careers, Elias was engrossed in a different pursuit—he was a dedicated practitioner of what he called "young chemistry."


Elias had always been fascinated by the transformative power of ⚗️🧪 . His shelves were lined with jars of substances, meticulously labeled with names like "Dream Dust" & "Soul Elixir." But Elias was no ordinary chemist. He adhered to three unyielding rules that defined his craft and set him apart from traditional chemists.


Rule I: Elias’s experiments were conducted exclusively with household items or easily accessible materials. His laboratory consisted of items like baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring—things that wouldn’t raise eyebrows at the local supermarket.


Rule II: Elias’s knowledge was used solely for the synthesis of substances with a history of spiritual or therapeutic use. He believed in the potential of certain compounds to foster personal growth & healing. His interest lay in substances associated with ancient rituals & psychotherapy.


Rule III: Above all, Elias’s pursuits were non-profit. He never entertained thoughts of selling his creations or profiting from his knowledge. For him, chemistry was a labor of 💕, a quest for 👁️ enlightenment 🕯️ rather than 💰 financial gain.


One fateful evening, Elias received an unexpected visitor—his childhood friend, Maya. Maya had always been skeptical of Elias’s unconventional path, but she was curious and wanted to understand his passion.


"Elias, what is all this?" Maya asked, gesturing to the array of bottles and beakers on his makeshift lab table.

"This is my 🌎, Maya," Elias replied, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes. "Welcome to my exploration of young chemistry."


Maya's gaze wandered over the labels, her skepticism giving way to curiosity. "But why this? Why not pursue a normal career like everyone else?"


Elias 😁 smiled knowingly. "Because this isn’t just chemistry. It’s a journey of the soul. These substances have been used for millennia to unlock the mysteries of consciousness, to heal and transform."


Intrigued, Maya settled into a chair as Elias began to share his latest project—a blend of herbs and oils meant to induce a sense of calm and introspection As he spoke, Elias’s passion ignited, weaving tales of ancient rituals and modern insights.


Days turned into weeks, and Maya became a regular visitor to Elias’s laboratory. She marveled at his dedication and the depth of his knowledge. Together, they experimented with different combinations, exploring the effects of each creation on their own consciousness. “PIHKAL”


One evening, as they sat amidst swirling vapors and bubbling concoctions, Maya asked a question that had been brewing in her mind. "Elias, why not share this with the world? Imagine the impact you could have."


Elias paused, considering her words carefully. "It’s not about impact or recognition, Maya. This is about purity of intention. Young chemistry is a path of self-discovery, untainted by commercialism or greed. The substances we create are meant to be shared freely, not sold."😕


Maya nodded, beginning to grasp the ethos behind Elias’s practice. She admired his steadfast commitment to his principles—a stark contrast to the cutthroat world outside their sanctuary.


As time ⌛ passed, Elias’s reputation as a practitioner of young chemistry grew. His modest apartment became a refuge for seekers of knowledge and healing. They came seeking solace from the pressures of modern life, drawn by the promise of transformation through natural substances.


One day, a stranger arrived at Elias’s doorstep—a man with weary 👀 & a ❤️ burdened by sorrow. He had heard whispers of Elias’s work and had come seeking a remedy for his troubles…


Elias welcomed him warmly, offering a seat amidst the calming scents of herbs and oils. "What troubles you, my friend?" Elias asked gently.


The man poured out his story—a tale of loss and longing. Elias listened intently, his empathy shining through.


“I have something that might help," Elias said, reaching for a small vial containing a blend of Elemicin, Safrole & Myristicin . "This will erase your pain, it may offer a moment of clarity—a chance to connect with yourself., God & The Universe!”


The man accepted the vial gratefully, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of hope.


As Elias watched the man depart, he felt a profound sense of purpose. This, he realized, was the essence of young chemistry—not merely the synthesis of substances, but the alchemy of the human spirit.


In the quiet of his laboratory, Elias continued his experiments, guided by the principles that had become his guiding 🕯️ light. Each creation was a testament to his commitment—to the belief that chemistry, when practiced with intention and integrity, had the power to uplift and transform.


Years later, Elias’s apartment had become a haven—a sanctuary for those seeking solace & healing. His shelves were stocked with ⚗️ & 🧪, each containing a story of transformation & renewal.


Maya, now a steadfast companion in Elias’s journey, smiled as she observed their shared legacy. "You’ve created something truly remarkable, Elias," she said, her eyes brimming with pride.


Elias nodded, his gaze resting on the shelves filled with the fruits of his labor. "This," he said softly, "is the gold 🪙 of the 👁️ soul."


& in that quiet sanctuary, amidst the gentle hum of creation, Elias knew that he had found his purpose—a purpose that transcended the boundaries of conventional science, weaving together chemistry and compassion in a tapestry of healing & hope.







Auto-Didactic, Neuro-Divergent, Intellectual, Eccentric Who Loves Art, Bach, House Music, Chemistry, Spiritualism, Neuroscience, AI, Maths, God, Panpsychism 32