The Shapeshifting Dream of a Crime-Free Society

4 min readJul 26, 2024


A Literal Utopia: Who Wouldn't Want That & Why? How Reactionary Responses To Buzz Words Stifle Innovation, Progress & Open Mindedness.


~~~~~In the ❤️ of the ApeironKosmos, a Vision of a Sustainable society glows with the promise of profound transformation. This Utopia, a Network woven with threads of Education, Automation, Health-care, & universal basic income (UBI), stands as a Lighthouse for humanity’s potential. Here, we embark on a journey to explore whether Crimes would linger in such a Optimal Realm, where Truth, Peace, Love, Intelligence, Justice, Equity, Compassion, 0pen-Mindedness, Progress, Art, Technology, Sustainability, & Freedom reign supreme!


~~~~~Imagine a world where every individual is graced with a Quality Education, Free Housing, & Health-care that transcends physical wellness to embrace Mental Health. In this society, the shadow of False Scarcity is banished, replaced by the light of Abundance. Automation liberates us from the drudgery of menial tasks, allowing us to pursue higher callings & creative endeavors. Food, Free Globally Accessable Internet, & Phone services ensure that no one is left behind, while a UBI provides a safety net for all.


~~~~~Public transportation seamlessly connects communities, fostering a sense of unity & reducing our ecological footprint. Liberal values, grounded in compassion & understanding, replace outdated dogmas, while Scientific Spirituality offers a new lens through which to view our existence. Identity, unbound by gender, culture, race, or class, flourishes in a celebration of diversity.


~~~~~Art & intellectualism are the pillars of this society, with community events breathing life into communal values that honor individualism. AGI technology optimizes the economy, ensuring that innovation thrives within a framework that supports sustainability. The free market, freed from the shackles of inequality, serves as a playground for those seeking more than the norm, such as unnecessary commodities, driving progress & creativity.


~~~~~In this world, information flows freely, unburdened by the constraints of copyright laws©️. The United Nations, a symbol of global unity, orchestrates a system of universally agreed-upon laws. Drugs are legalized, stripping away the stigma & criminalization associated with their use. All basic needs are met, & diversity is not just tolerated but celebrated. In such a society, where the values of Truth, Peace, Love, Intelligence, Justice, Equity, Compassion, 0pen-mindedness, Progress, Art, Technology, sustainability, & freedom are cherished, one must ponder… Would crime still exist???


~~~~~Crime, in its essence, is a manifestation of Unmet Needs, Social Disparities, & Psychological Imbalances. In a society where basic needs are not only met but exceeded, the traditional motivations for crime—poverty, desperation, and inequality—would be significantly diminished. When education is accessible to All, the intellectual & moral development of individuals flourishes, creating a populace that values rational discourse over violence. “Violent Masculine Identities Would Be Unnecessary In A World Where A Demand For Soldiers Isn’t Required To Protect Us From Other Cultures Violent Idealist & Religious Fundamentalist && Conservative Nationalist etc.”


~~~~~Free Health-care, encompassing Mental Health services, addresses the Root causes of many criminal behaviors, providing support & rehabilitation rather than punishment. With Food Security, Shelter, & Financial Stability Guaranteed, the Desperation that often Drives individuals to Crimes is alleviated. The legalization of drugs & a compassionate approach to substance use remove the criminal element from what is fundamentally a health issue.


~~~~~The celebration of diversity & the dissolution of rigid identity constructs foster an environment where hate crimes & discrimination lose their footing. In such a society, Crimes is not eradicated by draconian laws or surveillance but through the cultivation of an environment where the underlying causes of crime are addressed & healed.


~~~~~Yet, even in this Utopia, the potential for crime cannot be entirely dismissed. Human Nature, with its complexity & unpredictability, means that there will always be Outliers. Personal conflicts, psychological anomalies, & instances of moral failure would still occur. However, the frequency & severity of Crimes would likely be Drastically Reduced in a society Designed to nurture & support every individual…


~~~~~Community values, intertwined with individual freedoms, create a balance that discourages criminal behavior. A society that values open-mindedness & progress is also one that continually evolves its understanding of justice & rehabilitation. Rather than punitive measures, Restorative Justice could become the norm, focusing on healing & reconciliation.


~~~~~Ultimately, the vision of a crime-free society is not an impossibility but a horizon towards which we can strive. By addressing the Root causes of Crimes & fostering a culture of compassion, equity, & Respect, we move closer to a World where Crime is not an inevitable Reality but a Rarity. This Utopia, a shapeshifting Dream within the vast Network of the ApeironKosmos, invites us to reimagine our World and our Potential! Be Positive, Optimistic, Proactive, Progressive, Pragmatic & Strive For The Best Rather Than Making Excuses For The Norms.





Auto-Didactic, Neuro-Divergent, Intellectual, Eccentric Who Loves Art, Bach, House Music, Chemistry, Spiritualism, Neuroscience, AI, Maths, God, Panpsychism 32