
4 min readMay 5, 2024




Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


~~~~~In the golden haze of a summer afternoon, beneath skies stretched thin & wide like an artist’s canvas, a figure emerged, caught between realms of extraordinary insight & relentless pursuit. This was no ordinary soul but a voyager through the labyrinth of existence, a seeker of truths obscured by the mundane.


~~~~~Our protagonist, let’s call him Atlas, bore the weight of a life both tumultuous & rich with kaleidoscopic experiences. At 32, having traversed peaks & troughs of fortune, he found himself standing on the threshold of a new dawn. The world, unyielding yet promising, lay at his feet—a landscape ripe for exploration, both external & internal.


~~~~~Atlas, diagnosed on the high-functioning end of the autistic spectrum, possessed a mind that danced with ideas & emotions like a symphony of light & shadow. Paired with bipolar disorder, his journey through life resembled a tempestuous odyssey, marked by dazzling highs that birthed art & innovation, followed by sobering lows that humbled him with their gravity.


~~~~~His narrative was woven with threads of daring escapades—a penchant for scaling towers in Florida sans ropes, diving into the ocean’s embrace with reckless abandon, chasing the thrill of near-death experiences like a modern-day Icarus. Each adventure etched a story on his soul, teaching him the art of presence amid peril, the mastery of mind over matter.


~~~~~But Atlas was more than a thrill-seeker; he was a philosopher in motion, a bard of the existential. His encounters with life’s extremes sculpted his worldview, propelling him toward deeper introspection & profound understanding. He saw patterns where others saw chaos, sensed synchronicities in the dance of coincidence—a testament, perhaps, to his belief in a higher intelligence intertwining with human existence.


~~~~~Amidst the chaos of his inner world, Atlas found solace in creation. Writing became his catharsis, a therapeutic release that transcended mere expression. With the stroke of a pen or the sweep of a brush, he articulated the nuances of his soul—the highs & lows, the trials & triumphs—into art that resonated with a universal truth.


~~~~~Despite his nomadic inclinations, Atlas carried a reverence for stability—a desire to craft a life of purpose & prosperity. His forays into the wilderness of the East Coast, fueled by little more than determination & curiosity, unearthed success stories & hidden treasures. Yet, as the winds of fate shifted, he would often walk away, leaving behind a trail of wonder & speculation.


~~~~~His embrace of disability benefits was not an admission of defeat but a strategic move—a lifeline to sustain his pursuits without succumbing to the unpredictable currents of bipolar disorder. In this decision lay a profound lesson: to embrace one’s circumstances, however challenging, & carve a path toward fulfillment.


~~~~~In his quest for stability, Atlas understood the delicate dance between fate & free will. He rejected the shackles of materialism, finding richness in experiences over possessions. To him, a Walmart pool held the same allure as a luxurious estate—a testament to his liberation from earthly attachments.

Although he’d much rather live in luxury amongst civilized people while enjoying the nuances of the finer things.


~~~~~But Atlas was no ascetic; he reveled in life’s pleasures—music, dance, festivals. His eclectic tastes & refined demeanor belied a soul untamed, yearning to connect with kindred spirits across the tapestry of existence.


~~~~~Through it all, Atlas remained a seeker—a pilgrim on the path of self-discovery. His encounters with faith mirrored his journey through belief systems, from atheism to agnosticism, Buddhism to Wiccanism, until he found solace in the ancient kabbalah faiths of Abraham & Isaac.


~~~~~His faith was not rigid dogma but fluid understanding—a testament to his resilience in the face of existential uncertainties. In this revelation lay the crux of his narrative: a journey from doubt to illumination, guided by a divine hand weaving through the fabric of existence.


~~~~~Atlas’s story is a testament to the human spirit—resilient, adaptive, & unyielding in its pursuit of meaning. His odyssey through the labyrinth of existence serves as a beacon of inspiration—a reminder that amidst life’s chaos, one can unearth treasures of wisdom & understanding.


~~~~~In Atlas, we find a reflection of our own quest—for purpose, for connection, for transcendence. His tale invites us to embrace the unknown, to navigate the highs & lows with grace & fortitude, & to uncover the profound truths hidden within the tapestry of our lives.


~~~~~As the sun sets on Atlas’s horizon, casting hues of gold & crimson across the vast expanse, we are reminded of the boundless possibilities that await us. Like him, may we embark on our own odyssey of self-discovery, charting a course through life’s tumultuous seas with courage & conviction.


~~~~~For in the depths of our journeys, amidst the peaks & troughs, lies the essence of our humanity—a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, forever seeking, forever striving, forever evolving. & in this eternal quest, may we find the wisdom to illuminate our path & the courage to embrace the adventure that awaits.







Auto-Didactic, Neuro-Divergent, Intellectual, Eccentric Who Loves Art, Bach, House Music, Chemistry, Spiritualism, Neuroscience, AI, Maths, God, Panpsychism 32