~Thoughts of an Angry walrus~


Beatnik poetry.

~~~~~Come. Drink vials of, Eastern Pacific Time

Flavoured Jazz.

~~~~~Taste. Mass condensation, of evaporated

Sky Rivers

~~~~~Feel. Rhythmic beats, of musical

Washing Machines.

~~~~~Be. Silence within, non-conformist, intellectual


~~~~~Watch. Starving televisions, consume

Lost Time

~~~~~Ignore. Four being a, object that emulates

Two Quantities.

~~~~~ Visualize. Sophisticated Barbarian, engaging in

Consensual rape.

~~~~~Ask. When God will comfort the, mind of a

Angry Walrus.

~~~~~Contemplate. The inner workings of, a sad

Trojan Horse.

~~~~~Become. A Neo-Beatnik Poet, writing

Sacred Nonsense.

~~~~~Forget. Exactly who, & what you

Are Not .

~~~~~Free. Thoughts of, believing in a

Believable Belief

~~~~~It. Is Done.







Auto-Didactic, Neuro-Divergent, Intellectual, Eccentric Who Loves Art, Bach, House Music, Chemistry, Spiritualism, Neuroscience, AI, Maths, God, Panpsychism 32