What We “Know” vs What We Know

6 min readAug 2, 2024



According To Epistemological Interpretations of Human Experience From A Objective Subjective Perspective.


~~~~~ Human Cognition, the Scientific Methodist, Mathematical Proofs, & logical Reasoning often claim the spotlight, revered as the Ultimate arbiters of Truth. Yet, beyond this ostentatious display of Empirical Validation, there exists a shadowed Realm where Intuition, Faith, & Pragmatic Beliefs hold court. These lesser-known Domains, though less accepted in many circles, offers a Alternative Narrative that defies the stringent boundaries of Logic & Empirical scrutiny!


~~~~~ The Scientific approach, with its meticulous quest for 0bjective Evidence, Undoubtedly enriches 06ur Understanding of the World. However, this method casts a Shadow over other Dimensions of Human Experience. This shadow Reveals a World where Intuition, the Subtleties of Faith, & the Practical Applications of Beliefs Emerge as critical players in our Quest for Meaning “or our Quest for Usefulness”. As we move Beyond the Confines of Empirical Dogma & Factual DaTa, we encounter Paradoxes that Challenge Conventional Wisdom, urging us to Expand our Intellectual Ivory Towers...


That's just You'r Opinion

~~~~~ Look at the Average Person & the social realms they Act within. Not Everyone Is Preoccupied With Ultimate Truths or Scientific Precision!!! These Realms, often disregarded by Intellectuals Preoccupied by their theoretical frameworks, Values Knowledge Based On Its Immediate Utility & Relevance To Daily Life. In this Space, the Merit of an Idea or Ideal is Judged By Its Effectiveness In The Present Moment, irrespective of whether future revelations may Contradict it. This Pragmatic outlook Prioritizes the Tangible Benefits of Ideas over their Theoretical Consistency, making Immediate Use of their Impact on Everyday Life!


~~~~~ Consider the impact of social norms on Belief Systems. Here, Acceptance is often gauged by the Enjoyment, Fulfillment, & Enhancement an idea brings to Life. Questions like “Does it make me happy?” or “Does it Improve my Life or those around me?” become Central. In this Context, Scientific Accuracy or Philosophical Integrity can seem secondary. Instead, the Focus shifts to how well an Idea Integrates Into & Improves The Daily Experience. It’s a fascinating Irony & a serendipitous phenomenon that profound Insights often emerge from the rejection of rigid academic standards.


~~~~~ The Paradoxes arising from a Dogmatic adherence to Rigid Systems can be as Amusing as they are Revealing albeit often maddening too. Picture a Scientist fervently pursuing 0bjective Truth who dismisses personal Intuition as mere Superstition. This individual, constrained by their Own stringent Beliefs, may find themselves Ensnared in a Web of Contradictions & Certain Uncertainties. Such scenarios illustrate the Limitations of an Exclusively Analytical Approach, Highlighting the Folly of Neglecting the more fluid, Intuitive Aspects of Knowledge. Consider the fact that a Forest is made up of both Individual Trees & a Collective of Trees. Being mindful & aware of both perspectives is critical.


~~~~~ To Transcend these limitations, we could embrace a broader Conception of Knowledge that integrates Intuitive, Faith-based, & Pragmatic Insights where Pragmatically Applicable. This approach recognizes that while Empirical methods offer Valuable Information, They Do Not encompass the Full Spectrum of Human Experience. “True” Wisdom often lies at the intersection of these Diverse Modes of Knowing, blending Empirical Rigor with the Richness of Intuitive Understanding.


~~~~~ The Shakespearean Axiom that “There is More in the Heavens & Earth, Horatio, than is Dreamt of in Your Philosophy” Resonates Perfectly in this Context. It Suggests that Beyond The Boundaries of Traditional Academic Inquiry, there Exists a Tangled Hierarchy of Epistemological & 0ntological Interpretations waiting to be Defined By The Human Brain 🧠. This perspective invites us to l👀k beyond rigid frameworks & Consider the Broader Aspects of Human Understanding, where Intuition, Faith, & Practical Application offer Additional layers of insight Particularly in the 🎁 moment or situation.



~~~~~ As we explore this Seemingly contradictory Intellectual & Intuitive landscape, let us revel in the Paradoxes & Contradictions that challenge our Conventional ways of Knowing… The interplay of Intuition, Empirical Evidence, Faith & Reasonable Reason provides a richer understanding of our Existence / Experiences. This Exploration encourages us to Embrace the complexities & subtleties that Define Human Experience, acknowledging that profound Knowledge often Transcends the limitations of Dogmatic Systems while Simultaneously Recognizing the Validity & Value of those Same Systems!


~~~~~ Reflecting on the Nature of Knowledge Itself reveals further layers of complexity. The Quest for Understanding is not merely about Accumulating Facts & Evidence But Also about Interpreting them within the Context of Human Experience... Intuition& Faith, though often Dismissed in the Scientific Realm, play Crucial roles in ShapeShifting our Perceptions & Guiding our Decisions. They offer a Counterbalance to the rigid structures of Empirical inquiry, providing Insights that might Otherwise remain Obscured & altogether Miss the Practical Applications of a Concept, Behavior or Belief


~~~~~ The tension between Empirical Validation & Intuitive Wisdom Highlights a fundamental Paradox in our pursuit of Knowledge. While Scientific Methodist strive for Objectivity & Reproducibility, Human Experience is inherently Subjective & Variable. This Dichotomy creates a Dynamic interplay between Established Facts & Personal Insights, challenging us to Integrate Both Perspectives into a Coherent Understanding of the 🌏. Furthermore Recognition of Context is Critical for Deciding the Appropriate Applications of a Belief or Fact “or whatever lies in-between those two Often Seemingly mutually exclusive Qualities.”


~~~~~ Embracing this integration involves Recognizing the Value of Diverse Modes of Knowing. Intuitive, Pragmatic, Pleasurable & Faith-Based Insights offer Perspectives that Complement, rather than Contradict, Empirical findings. They Enrich our Understanding by providing Context & Meaning that Transcend the limitations of strict Logical Analysis. By acknowledging the contributions of these different approaches, we Create a more holistic View of Reality that recognizes the mysterious “Fact” that profound Truth often “Lies” in-between Paradoxes!


~~~~~ Moreover, the Pragmatic Applications of Knowledge underscores the importance of Relevance in our Everyday Lives. In many cases, the Immediate Utility of an idea Outweighs its Theoretical underpinnings, at least in the Context of the Immediate Environment & Situation. The focus on Practical benefits—whether it Enhances personal happiness, improves social interactions, or addresses Immediate Needs—demonstrates the Value of integrating Diverse Sources of Knowledge. This approach Ensures that our Understanding remains grounded in Real-World applications, rather than Abstract Theories…


~~~~~ The exploration of these themes invites us to challenge Conventional Academic boundaries & Consider New ways of Knowing. It encourages a Broader Perspective that Values Both Empirical Evidence & the complex simplicities or simple complexities of Human Experience. By embracing the interplay of Intuition, Faith, & Pragmatic Application, we can develop a more Nuanced Understanding of Reality that Transcends the Limitations of rigid Dogma & mindless hedonistic / Pragmatic Reactionary Behaviors that ironically yield a System of rigid Dogma too albeit without the practitioners awareness or care!!!


~~~~~ As Chat-GPT once famously said: “In Conclusion”, The journey beyond Dogmatic Systems reveals a rich landscape of knowledge that integrates Empirical rigor with Intuitive & Pragmatic insights. The interplay of these Diverse Modes of Knowing offers a Deeper, more comprehensive Understanding of our Existence. As we live in the 🎁 Moment within this complex terrain, we gain a Greater appreciation for the multifaceted Paradoxical Nature of Knowledge & the often maddening insights that arise from embracing a Broader Perspective. Simply put, Just Do The Next Right Thing Right Now & repeat the process.






Auto-Didactic, Neuro-Divergent, Intellectual, Eccentric Who Loves Art, Bach, House Music, Chemistry, Spiritualism, Neuroscience, AI, Maths, God, Panpsychism 32