Empower Your Faith / Saturday of Week 25; St. Jerome, Luke 9:43b-45

2 min readSep 29, 2023

September 30, 2023


While they were all amazed at his every deed, Jesus said to his disciples, “Pay attention to what I am telling you. The Son of Man is to be handed over to men.” But they did not understand this saying; its meaning was hidden from them so that they should not understand it, and they were afraid to ask him about this saying.

Reflection: «The Veiled Truth: Embracing Divine Mystery»

In the silent chambers of our hearts, mysteries often unfold. Today’s Gospel narrates a moment shrouded in such mystery, a veiled message from Jesus to His disciples.

Amidst the astonishment of miracles and teachings, Jesus drops a profound proclamation about His impending passion. Yet, this crucial message seems wrapped in a puzzling enigma. The disciples, those closest to Him, stand baffled. Why couldn’t they grasp it? Was their understanding clouded by their expectations of a triumphant Messiah?

St. Jerome, whom we honor today, devoted his life to the study and translation of Sacred Scriptures. He, too, must have pondered deeply upon such passages. His dedication reminds us that the Word of God is not always easily discernible; it requires diligent study, prayer, and reflection.

It’s comforting to realize that, like the disciples, we too may not always understand God’s ways immediately. His plans often come to light gradually, in His perfect timing. When faced with such mysteries, we might feel hesitant or even fearful to inquire further, much like the disciples. Yet, isn’t faith a journey of embracing these divine mysteries?

Let’s draw inspiration from St. Jerome’s unquenchable thirst for divine knowledge. When faced with the unknown, rather than retreating in confusion or fear, may we delve deeper into prayer and scripture. In doing so, we open our hearts to God’s illuminating grace, allowing Him to unravel the mysteries of our lives and faith, piece by piece. Amen




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