Capitalism is Failing— But What Can We Do?

Change is needed more than ever with COVID-19

High Finance


Photo by Koushik Chowdavarapu on Unsplash

A growing sense of inequality is undermining trust in both society’s institutions and capitalism, according to a long-running global survey. The amount of inequality within the world today, accompanied by mass unemployment, social unrest, poverty, hunger, can only be described as depressing. Although the digital revolution is the most significant technological advancements in our lifetime, we can easily see that it has mutated into something that we can barely control. Talks about privacy scandals have to lead the government to try and tame these big tech companies. Even Bill Gates thanks that we need to be regulating our big tech companies. These companies defend themselves by saying that they are continuing to improve our society through their free services and offerings. As a result, the legal gridlock, which we currently see today, puts us, consumers, fighting for our rights. Basic human needs such as Healthcare, housing, education, and Clean Water and Air now seem to be even more challenging to reach. Even in developed countries throughout the western hemisphere, infrastructure is breaking down, and life expectancy is in decline.



High Finance

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