Seems like a small detail but actually a very serious point.

2 min readJan 19, 2022

The way metadata is stored has brought a lot of debate in the NFT Community.
Remember #RaccoonSociety where they intentionally pointed all metadata to the same image of a skull.
Today, there are three ways of storing the metadata, each having its own strengths and weaknesses.

Currents Options:

1 In-House server: Cool Cats / Primal Ape / Apocalyptical Apes

Fully centralized option, they use their own website to store the metadata.

Choose to disclose information or not, interesting before selling out to prevent information scraping.

2 IPFS Hosting: Doodle / Alien Frens

P2P media sharing, the metadata is no longer in the hand of the collection creators but rather hosted by a network of users.

Brings transparency but can be harmful before minting as everyone can inspect metadata beforehand.

3 On-Chain: Larva Lads / On-Chain Monkeys

Decentralized. Using the blockchain to store information. The metadata is created on the fly during minting.

This leads to significant storage and computation on the blockchain bringing higher costs for minters and contracts deployers.

How did we process?

We innovate by combining the strengths of A & B without the weaknesses.
First, we will host the metadata on our server before sold out.
Then, thanks to the Serve_IPFS_URI function in our contract, we will serve the IPFS server URI.
To make sure even we will not be able to change the metadata back, we will call the function lock_URI to lock it forever.

These apes are here to stay

