šŸ““ Notebook 00

Random thoughts

Jakub Juszczak
2 min readNov 15, 2016

Notebook is a new ongoing blogging series in which I talk about developing, music, cooking, apps and basically everything I write down in my paper notebook, day by day.


I stumbled upon Fƶllakzoid, which is a fantastic psychedelic rock band. Enjoy!

HyperTerm with pure prompt and hyper-snazzy theme

Github Repo

I recently installed pure, which is a very beautiful, minimal and fast zsh prompt. I really like the simple style and with the hyper-snazzy theme. I would really love the hyper-snazzy theme for sublime or vim, because the colours are fantastic.

New Hobby ā€” Ham Radio

After watching a few very cool talks about ham radios from the ccc and defcon, I got pretty much psyched about it. So in the following weeks I will be learning for the license. Itā€™s kind of interesting how different the licensing systems are. As far as I understand in there are 3 licenses in the US. Starting with more likely a ā€œnoviceā€ license up to an advanced license. With each class you make, more frequencies get available to use. And you need to make all 3 in order. So you canā€™t start with the advanced one. However in the US itā€™s rather cheap. 15 $ per license and if you make all 3 in a row only 15 $ for all 3. And then you have to renew it every 10 years for free.

Well in Germany its way more expensive. We have here 2 license classes. class E for ā€˜Einsteigerā€™ or novice and class A for ā€˜advancedā€™. The E class costs about 80 $ and the A class about 110 $ . However you donā€™t need to make the E class first. You can start with the A class. The only difference is that the technical part is bigger and more in-depth. In addition you need a ā€œcallsignā€ which also costs about 70 ā‚¬. And a frequency usage fee which is around 10 $ / year.

And you need to get some learning material. So my pocket will hate me, but most hobbies are expensive, right?

Letā€™s see how long it will take me, to get my license. I had some electronics in school, but itā€™s too long ago. But I have this semester physics and next one media technology which got a lot of electronics included, so I think I will benefit from it.

I fear those big words which make us so unhappy.

ā€” ā€œJames Joyceā€



Jakub Juszczak

#Freelance Developer ā€” #Blogger, #Student, #Tea addicted, likes #photography #indie #gamedev #webdev