Ape Runners: Origins

Ape Runners
2 min readJan 19, 2022


In a land not too far away from Mega City, rumors began to spread…

Somnus had lost control.

Runners were running and the all-mighty, all-knowing “Savior of Mankind” was getting played.

Chaos reigned in the middle of Mega City.

With Somnus distracted, some humans escaped and found refuge a few dimensions away, in a land filled with Apes so rich and so bored they lived on yachts and partied all day.

“Find your lost brothers and sisters and bring them back!” Somnus ordered. “You will be rewarded greatly for returning them home.”

Many took up the call, from regular citizens to seasoned soldiers.

But something strange began to happen…

Every single person who left to bring back the escapees become one themselves.

Not even Somnus’ most loyal soldiers ever made it back.

What could have happened to them?

They discovered true FREEDOM.

The Yacht Club moved at a much slower pace than Mega City, and the Runners enjoyed the chill vibe.

They could relax, sip cocktails, and take naps (naps were illegal in Mega City).

But after a few parties and a couple of cruises, the Runners got bored too.

It was in their DNA to do stuff.

You can take the Runners out of Mega City but you can’t take Mega City out of the Runners; they needed their daily dose of hacking and mayhem.

So one day, the Runners gathered together and decided they had to do something.

Deep down, they felt guilty about leaving their fellow runners behind under Somnus’ oppression while they were relaxing on yachts with their new frens.

They decided to leave the Yacht Club and establish a place of resistance near Mega City from where they could fight Somnus without falling back into his oppression.

Some of the Bored Apes heard about the plan and decided to join the Runners. They were quite bored, after all.

That’s how the idea for Neo Ape City was born.

But before heading back, the Runners needed to do something about their appearance.

Somnus would be able to detect them instantly through his facial recognition apparatus.

One ping and they were all dead.

“We have some experimental serums,” the Bored Apes explained.

“We don’t know what will happen, but it might help.”

So one by one, each Runner drank the serum…

…and the Ape Runners were born.

Apes Run Together


