Can CRISPR stop Aging? — Asked ChatGPT most powerful AI

Pablo (Apes Ascendance)
3 min readJan 11, 2023

Ok so I have two core questions:

  • a) Can CRISPR stop aging?
  • b) How can CRISPR stop aging?

By the way I’m profound impressed by the work of both Nobel laureates: Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier.

I has been seeing in the past year all documentaries about CRISPR on YouTube, “Unnatural Selection” on Netflix, and other CRIPSR related films and series.

The ethics about stopping aging must be addressed to the Scientific Community, Government’s and Law.

So let’s start asking the most powerful AI this two questions.

a) Can CRISPR stop aging?

CRISPR is a powerful genetic editing tool that allows scientists to make precise changes to DNA. While researchers are using CRISPR to study the biology of aging and investigate potential ways to extend lifespan, it is not currently possible to use CRISPR to stop aging. Age-related diseases, like cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease, have multiple causes, and it is likely that any treatment that aims to extend lifespan will need to address multiple pathways that contribute to aging. Moreover, While the genetic aspect of aging are well understood, the environmental, lifestyle, and epigenetic factors of aging…



Pablo (Apes Ascendance)

I'm an indie developer, online marketer, book writer, developer, and startup entrepreneur :) SIGNUP