How to Act When a Woman Ignores You (Destroy Her EGO)

Apex Personality
8 min readJun 11, 2024


Picture this: you’re vibing with a woman, things seem great, and then bam! She hits you with the silent treatment out of nowhere. Sound familiar? It’s like trying to solve a mystery without any clues. But here’s the scoop: getting worked up won’t solve anything. Let’s dive into how to deal with it calmly and maybe even turn the tide in your favor.

How to Act When a Woman Ignores You (Destroy Her EGO)
How to Act When a Woman Ignores You (Destroy Her EGO)

How to Act When a Woman Ignores You (Destroy Her EGO):

1. Resisting the Urge to Pedestalize

Imagine you’ve poured your heart and soul into someone, only to feel like you’re being left in the dust. It’s like a punch to your confidence, right? But hold up — here’s the thing: your worth isn’t tied to how someone else sees you.

Instead of putting your crush on a super high pedestal, realize that you’re pretty awesome too. Think of it this way: just because someone isn’t noticing your greatness doesn’t mean you’re any less amazing. You’ve got your own set of skills and achievements, even if they’re not getting the spotlight right now.

By putting yourself first and not relying on someone else’s approval, you’re showing that you’ve got your own back. It’s like saying, “I’m not going to sacrifice who I am just for someone else’s attention.” And guess what? That kind of self-respect sets the stage for healthier relationships down the road. When you value yourself, you set a standard for how others should treat you.

2. Exuding Self-Assurance and Confidence

Okay, so you’ve been brushed off — it happens to the best of us. But here’s the deal: letting rejection shake your confidence only gives more power to the person doing the ignoring. Instead, flip the script and show them what you’re made of.

When you come face-to-face with the person who’s giving you the cold shoulder, stand tall and speak your truth. Let them see that you’re all about mutual respect and understanding in any relationship. By keeping your cool and showing confidence, you’re not just dodging their mind games — you’re becoming someone they can’t help but notice. Confidence is attractive, and when you hold your ground, you’re sending a powerful message that you won’t be easily shaken.

Confidence isn’t about being arrogant; it’s about knowing your worth and not letting someone’s temporary disinterest make you question yourself. Show her that you’re secure in who you are, and that any relationship with you is built on mutual respect.

Avoiding the Trap of Begging for Attention
Avoiding the Trap of Begging for Attention

3. Avoiding the Trap of Begging for Attention

You know that feeling when someone you really care about suddenly goes silent? It’s like being left in the dark, wondering what you did wrong. But here’s the thing: begging for their attention won’t make things better. In fact, it just chips away at your own confidence and self-worth. Remember, you’re worth more than someone else’s fleeting acknowledgment.

So, when faced with the silent treatment, resist the urge to grovel or plead for validation. Instead, focus on things that bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s diving into a hobby, spending time with supportive friends, or simply pampering yourself, prioritize your own happiness. By doing so, you send a powerful message that you won’t sacrifice your dignity for someone else’s approval.

When you beg for attention, you’re giving away your power. Instead, show her that you respect yourself enough not to chase someone who isn’t giving you the time of day. Engage in activities that uplift you and remind you of your worth. This shift in focus can help you regain your self-esteem and demonstrate that you don’t need her validation to feel good about yourself.

4. Maintaining Emotional Resilience

Let’s face it: rejection hurts. It’s natural to feel sad or frustrated when someone you care about pulls away. But here’s the thing: letting their actions dictate your emotional state only gives them power over you. Instead, focus on building emotional resilience like a superhero training for battle.

Start by tuning into your emotions without letting them overwhelm you. Remind yourself that you’re in control of how you react, no matter what life throws your way. By staying grounded in your own self-worth and confidence, you not only protect yourself from manipulation but also radiate an inner strength that’s downright magnetic.

Emotional resilience is about being strong enough to handle rejection without letting it define you. It’s okay to feel hurt, but don’t let that hurt control your actions. Practice mindfulness, stay connected with friends who support you, and remember that one person’s opinion doesn’t determine your value. When you master this, you’ll become more resilient and less susceptible to emotional ups and downs.

5. Harnessing the Power of Ignoring

In a world where our attention is constantly sought after, ignoring someone who’s been ignoring you can feel like taking back control of the remote. Picture this: you’re in a conversation with someone, and they suddenly act like you’re invisible. Instead of panicking or trying to win them back with attention, consider giving them a taste of their own medicine.

When you refuse to dance to their tune of silence, you’re basically saying, “I’m not playing this game.” It’s like hitting the mute button on their attempts to control the situation. Instead of letting their actions dictate how you feel about yourself, focus on what makes you feel awesome. Whether it’s spending time with friends, diving into a hobby, or just enjoying your own company, do things that remind you how cool you are.

By doing this, you’re not just taking back your power; you’re also adding a dash of mystery to the mix. Ever notice how someone becomes more intriguing when they’re not desperate for attention? That’s the vibe you’ll be putting out there. You’re not just reclaiming your space; you’re making them wonder why they ever thought they could ignore someone as awesome as you.

Ignoring someone who’s ignoring you isn’t about being petty; it’s about showing that you won’t be easily swayed by their behavior. It’s a way of saying that you value yourself too much to engage in these games. This approach not only protects your self-esteem but can also make you more appealing in their eyes, as it demonstrates self-respect and independence.

6. Investing in Personal Growth

Imagine life as a giant buffet, and personal growth is the dessert table. Instead of sulking over someone who’s chosen to ignore you, why not treat yourself to something sweet? Investing in your personal growth is like adding extra sprinkles to your sundae of life.

Take a moment to think about the things that make you happy and fulfilled. Maybe it’s learning how to cook a new dish, picking up a guitar and strumming away, or hitting the gym and feeling the burn. Whatever it is, make time for it. Because when you’re busy chasing your dreams, you’re too busy to dwell on someone else’s actions.

By focusing on your own growth and happiness, you’re not just sticking it to the person who’s been ignoring you; you’re showing yourself some serious love. You’re proving that you’re worth investing in, regardless of whether someone else sees it or not. And that’s a pretty sweet revenge, wouldn’t you say?

When you invest in your personal growth, you become more attractive to others and, more importantly, to yourself. It’s about building a life that you’re proud of, independent of anyone else’s approval. Pursue your passions, improve your skills, and become the best version of yourself. This not only enhances your life but also shows others that you’re not defined by their attention or lack thereof.

7. Embrace the Power of Indifference

When faced with the silent treatment or disinterest from a woman, it’s easy to let it consume your thoughts and emotions. However, by consciously choosing to focus on your own happiness and fulfillment, you not only maintain your mental and emotional well-being but also become incredibly attractive in her eyes. Engage in activities that bring you joy, spend time with friends and family, pursue hobbies and interests, and invest in self-improvement. Show her — and yourself — that you don’t need her validation or attention to lead a fulfilling life. Your genuine happiness and enthusiasm for life will naturally draw her back to you, as she begins to realize the vibrant energy and positivity she’s been missing out on.

Indifference isn’t about not caring at all; it’s about caring more about your own well-being than someone else’s inconsistent attention. When you show that you’re content and thriving on your own, it creates an aura of independence and confidence that’s highly attractive. Women are often drawn to men who are self-assured and happy within themselves, as it signals emotional stability and self-worth.

8. Practice the Art of Graceful Detachment

It’s important to recognize that you cannot control another person’s actions or feelings. While it’s natural to desire validation and connection, clinging too tightly to someone else’s approval can lead to emotional turmoil and insecurity. Instead, cultivate a mindset of graceful detachment. This means acknowledging your feelings without allowing them to dictate your actions or self-worth. Focus on nurturing your own growth and well-being, regardless of external validation. By letting go of the need for constant reassurance or attention from her, you reclaim your power and autonomy. This inner strength and confidence not only make her regret overlooking you but also attract other women who admire your self-assurance and independence.

Graceful detachment is about maintaining your emotional balance and sense of self, even when things don’t go as planned. It’s about being okay with not having control over every situation and finding peace within yourself. When you practice this, you show that your happiness isn’t dependent on external factors, which is a very attractive quality. Women appreciate men who are strong and self-reliant, as it indicates a high level of emotional intelligence and maturity.


Relationships can be tricky, especially when faced with rejection or disinterest. But by putting yourself first and focusing on your own growth and happiness, you’re taking back control of the narrative. Remember, you’re awesome just the way you are, and anyone who can’t see that doesn’t deserve a starring role in your life’s movie. So keep shining bright, and the right person will come along who sees your worth and appreciates you for it.

Thanks for reading! And guess what? I’ve got a very special treat for you — a free e-book called ‘The Female Mind Control Handbook: This book is all about getting into a woman’s head and making her crazy for you, even if she’s already with someone. Just click the link below to grab it.

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Apex Personality

I am a Seasoned Relationship and Dating Coach