Best Strategies to Write a Copy For Your Landing Page

6 min readAug 21, 2023



In the fast-paced world of online marketing, where every click matters, the words you choose can mean the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity. At Apexure, with an extensive portfolio of over 1000 successfully crafted landing pages, we understand the alchemy of turning words into conversions.

We’ve witnessed the Power of Small Changes

In our journey, we’ve seen how even the smallest tweaks in landing page copies can yield remarkable results for our clients. These changes aren’t just minor nuances; they are the catalysts that transform casual visitors into engaged buyers.

Here is an example that vividly illustrates this transformative power.

Real-World Success Story

One of our clients OutReachFrog came to us with a common concern: their landing page wasn’t delivering the conversions they desired.

The Challenge: OutReachFrog has an incredible service — helping businesses rank higher on Google! However, their old Squeeze landing page was missing the mark. The headline “Does Your Site Deserve to Rank Higher?” was strong, but the copy above the form didn’t quite align!

The Turning Point: We knew we had to make the connection between the headline and the copy seamless, so we decided to change the words. The old copy, “Discover How We Can Improve Your Site’s Performance,” was too vague, covering all aspects of site performance, not just SEO.

The Eureka Moment: A spark of inspiration hit us! We transformed the copy to “Discuss how we can increase your traffic with SEO.” Ah, now it’s directly tied to the headline’s promise!

The Results: The moment of truth arrived — the optimized landing page went live! And we did it! OutReachFrog’s conversions increased from 6.01% to a mind-blowing 14.39%!

The Power of Copy

This success story showcases the sheer power of COPY in Conversion Rate Optimization! Words have the ability to evoke emotions, resonate with visitors, and drive them to take action.

Every word and every phrase contributes to the overall symphony that guides visitors through their decision-making journey. It’s the art of conveying your value proposition succinctly, addressing objections before they arise, and igniting that spark of urgency that nudges individuals to act swiftly.

Get ready to unlock the secrets behind our conversion-boosting strategies as we delve into the art of writing a landing page copy that captures attention and compels action.

( Examples Included)

But before we proceed further, let’s take a look at the psychology behind it.

The Psychology Behind a Compelling Copy

Understanding Your Audience: Dive deep into the psyche of your target audience. What keeps them up at night? What dreams do they aspire to achieve?

Addressing these emotional triggers in your copy creates an instant connection.

Example: Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by endless to-do lists? Imagine the relief of having a solution that streamlines your tasks effortlessly.

Emotional Triggers: Craft a narrative that evokes emotions. Relatable stories that tug at heartstrings engage visitors on a personal level, building trust and rapport.

Example: From juggling deadlines to missing out on family time, we’ve been there. Our solution doesn’t just save time — it restores balance to your life.

Social Proof: Showcase real-world success stories and testimonials. This reinforces your claims and bolsters your credibility.

Example: Meet Jane, a busy professional who increased her productivity by 60% using our system. Her success is just a testament to what’s possible for you.

Clarity and Simplicity

Clear Value Proposition: In a few words, convey what sets your product or service apart. Address the “What’s in it for me?” question upfront.

Example: Discover a platform that transforms your social media presence — boosting engagement and conversions effortlessly.

Use of Power Words: Inject energy and urgency with persuasive words such as “exclusive,” “instant,” “guaranteed,” and “limited.”

Simplicity Trumps Complexity: Keep your copy concise and easily digestible. Visitors shouldn’t need a thesaurus to grasp your message.

Crafting Irresistible Headlines and Subheadings

The 4 U’s Technique: A headline should be Unique, Ultra-specific, Urgent, and Useful. It should grab attention and communicate value at a glance.

Example: Skyrocket Your Conversions: Transform Your Landing Pages with Our Proven Strategies.

Quantifiable Results: Numbers speak volumes. Highlight quantifiable outcomes to show tangible benefits.

Example: Witness a 50% Increase in Conversions: Realize the Power of Effective Copywriting.

Curiosity Gap: Pique interest and encourage further reading by hinting at what’s to come without giving away everything.

Tailoring Your Copy to the Buyer’s Journey

Awareness Stage: Address the pain points your audience is grappling with and introduce your solution as the remedy.

Consideration Stage: Showcase the benefits and features of your product or service, guiding visitors towards a decision.

Decision Stage: Provide a clear Call to Action (CTA) that prompts immediate action, leaving no room for hesitation.

Showcasing the “Before” and “After”

Painting a Picture: Describe the current challenges your audience faces (Before).

Example: Struggling to Attract Leads? Frustrated with Low Conversion Rates?

Solving the Puzzle: Present your product or service as the transformative solution (After).

Example: Unleash the Potential: Watch Your Leads Soar and Conversions Multiply.

Use relevant images to reinforce the transformation visually and make your message more memorable.

Creating a Sense of Urgency

Limited-Time Offers: Introduce time-sensitive deals to encourage immediate action.

Example: Act Now and Enjoy 20% Off Offer Ends [Date].

Scarcity Tactics: Highlight limited quantities or availability to ignite the fear of missing out.

Example: Exclusive Access: Only 50 Spots Available — Secure Yours Today!

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Remind visitors of the potential loss by not acting swiftly.

Example: Don’t Miss Your Chance: Join Hundreds Who’ve Already Transformed Their Strategy.

User-Centric Copywriting

Benefits Over Features: Focus on how your offering improves users’ lives rather than just listing features.

Second-Person Approach: Address the user directly using “you” to create a personal connection.

Problem-Solution Format: Present the problem, agitate it, and then offer your solution.


Crafting a landing page copy that not only engages but converts is a blend of art and science. Drawing from our vast experience at Apexure, we’ve revealed the strategies that make landing pages magnetic. Elevate your conversion game and watch your business thrive by integrating these tactics into your copywriting arsenal.

Ready to Transform Your Landing Pages? Elevate Your Conversions with Apexure and discover how we can reshape your online journey.

Thanks for reading.

Writing a Landing Page Copy?

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How to Write Landing Page Copy That Gets You More Leads




We help businesses generate more leads & sales via creative landing page designs and effective websites.