Disk Migration: A Strategic Transition

Alon Pildus
5 min readAug 10, 2023

Data disk migration refers to the process of transferring data from one storage device to another. This can involve moving data between physical devices, virtual machines, or even transitioning from on-premises solutions to cloud-based platforms. The primary aim of data disk migration is to achieve a smooth transition without compromising data integrity, security, or accessibility.

Why Data Disk Migration Matters

  1. Upgrade to a newer OS: An unsupported operating system poses a significant challenge due to the lack of official updates, security patches, and technical support from its developer. This leaves the system vulnerable to cyber threats, compatibility issues, and regulatory non-compliance, while also hindering innovation and functionality.
    Disk migration involves transferring data from the outdated, unsupported operating system to a newer and supported one.
  2. Modernization: As technology advances, older storage devices can become bottlenecks, limiting performance and capacity. Data disk migration enables you to upgrade to newer, more efficient hardware.
  3. Data Protection: Aging storage devices are more susceptible to failures and data loss. Migrating data to newer platform helps mitigate these risks and ensures the safety of your valuable information.
  4. Performance Enhancement: Newer storage technologies often come with improved read and write speeds, leading to enhanced system performance and reduced access times for applications.
  5. Scalability: Data disk migration facilitates the scalability of your storage infrastructure, allowing you to accommodate growing data demands without compromising efficiency.Google Cloud Disk Migration

Google Cloud Disk Migration

Google’s tech Migrate to Virtual Machines presents a robust and effective remedy for disk migration, particularly when confronted with the prospect of updating operating systems or upgrading hardware. Leveraging the capabilities of cloud migration technology, this process allows you to seamlessly migrate OS disks or data disks, irrespective of their compatibility with the cloud environment.

The ultimate solution when you’re facing the challenge of updating your operating system or giving your hardware a boost.

Providing but not just talking about compatibility — we’re talking about being a matchmaker for all sorts of migration sources, from VMware to other cloud service providers.

For instance, consider a scenario where you manage an extensive array of virtual machines, some of which run on old-school Linux distributions or ancient Windows versions (such as W2003, W2008, W2012).
In this context, the disk migration feature of Migrate to Virtual Machines comes to play. You can selectively migrate the source workload disks and subsequently attach them to a supported operating system, effectively modernizing your workload infrastructure.

How does it work

The following are the steps of the disk migration process:

First, you need to Onboard the VM whose disks you want to migrate.
In the following example we have a VM which is hosted on a local VMware Datacenter, we select it and on-board it to the GCP Migration service

Then, we can start to Replicate it:
Once the VM is on-boarded to the Migration service we can immediately start to Replicate data from the disks of the source VM to Persistent Disk volumes on that are on Google Cloud. The Data replication is a continuous process that takes place in the background until the final cut-over or you deleting the migration.

Monitoring is also available:

For additional information, can click on the VM and access a detailed view of the Disk replication status, the estimated time to completion, and other related details about the disk migration.

While the replication is on-going, you can already go ahead and Set the Disks target details: Configure settings for the migrated disk, such as the Hosting project (Region and Zone), the disk type, and more.

This will allow time-saving and ensure that there’s no rush as the cut-over date approaches.

The replication cycles can also be adjusted to synchronize with the cumulative data peak of incremental changes.


The Migrate to Virtual Machines Disk Migration feature brings in a fresh capability that lets customers smoothly migrate compute disks from any source VM to GCP disk storage. This functionality taps into the seamless, agentless migration feature of Migrate to Virtual Machines, which means there’s no disruption to the source workload, and it comes with perks like regular replication cycles and a quick cut-over time.

This capability opens up numerous potential use cases, including expanding migration precision to individual disks, leading to innovative applications, for example — Shifting workloads to a different operating system, and other — Transferring entire data stores to a new platform.

More Info.



Alon Pildus

A seasoned Cloud/IT professional with over 20 years of experience, I am business-minded and serve as a trusted advisor to my clients, partners, and colleagues.