What are APKROMs?

APKROMs is an open playground for lovers of ROM games & emulators.

At XZROMs, you can easily search and download thousands of Game ROMs, and Emulator ROMs for free. Use the search button to find what you’re looking for, or browse the pre-designed categories If you want to learn more about its history, development, future vision, etc., you can visit the introduction page.

What is ModKuy?

ModKuy is our website partner which also provides MOD APK games and Premium Apps.

With a modern and responsive website appearance, ModKuy is certainly suitable for those of you who are looking for the most popular Android games at the moment, with a large selection of games and applications, of course, they are safe and free.

Are APKROMs safe?


APKROM always double-checks ROM files with antivirus as the basis for producing a quality version. We even turned off unnecessary app permissions to optimize those ROM files.

DON'T WORRY if the security application on your Android, PC or Console gives a warning.

How do APKROMs work?

APKROM always compiles and publishes the best games and emulators based on trends and requests from users.

You can then browse the catalog of Game ROMs and emulators to find one that suits your needs.

APKROM welcomes feedback from you and other good users to continuously improve and improve the field of play as well as the quality of future versions of ROMs posted.

What makes APKROMs different from other websites?

Free, simple, and mindful.

Does APKROMs charge a fee?


APKROMs is completely free and always will be. We will try to maintain the project for as long as I can. If you love this project and want to be a part of it, we’d love to get your support.

How to use APKROMs?

You browse this website, search for your favorites, and then download them. It’s all simple.



APKROMs is a site for downloading thousands of MOD APK, Premium Apps, and Game ROMs for Android, Emulator, or Console for free