I Wrote an SEO Audit for a Professional Marketing Agency

Andrew Nehring
5 min readFeb 15, 2023
Company Logo for Upper 1 Studios Inc.

On Tuesday, Feb. 7th 2023 I applied for a Marketing Coordinator position at a small marketing agency in Anchorage, AK, called Upper 1 Studios Inc. which primarily specializes in social media and video marketing services for local businesses and non-profits. I found the open position on LinkedIn, but I had some significant difficulty finding their main website on my own. When I finally found it, red flags started flashing with their website’s general performance and SEO. So I ran an SEO Audit for their website using SEOptimer and sent a PDF of the Audit alongside my job application.

Unfortunately, by the time I finished the audit they had already hired the position. And it also turns out that they were in the middle of a total redesign of their website, so they had the same idea in mind.

But even though this is an extension of the application for Upper 1 Studios Inc. and leans more towards a showcase of how I can provide value for their company, I still believe this is an excellent demonstration of my ability to perform independent research and write a comprehensive SEO audit for a business website. So without further adieu, here’s my Website SEO Audit for Upper 1 Studios:

Website Audit: SEO for Upper 1 Studios Inc.

I genuinely admire Upper 1 Studios and their services, but I had some difficulty finding your website. I checked the Google search results for “media marketing in Anchorage, Alaska” and your site didn’t even show up in the first two SERPs.

So I ran your website through SEOptimer to check on your website’s SEO ratings and to see what works well and what doesn’t, and to give you some offers on how I can help you further optimize your website:

General SEO Performance

First off, your website overall is pretty solid, ranking an A- in general performance. However, there are some glaring issues that should be resolved for your website’s Usability (performance on Desktop and Mobile devices) and Socials (social media accounts).


Website Usability on Mobile Devices

First of all, it’s recommended that you take action to improve the performance of your website’s page speed on Mobile devices. Your First and Largest Contentful Paints, Speed Index, Time To Interactive, and Total Blocking Time all land below the 0–49 percentile. There are suggestions for improving the speed of each item listed in the Lab Data, which can be found under “Opportunities”.


Social Media Activity on Website

As for Social, you don’t have any links to your social media accounts on your website. While this may be of personal choice, social media links are an easy way to improve brand trust and communication between you and your customers. A simple URL link to your Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages in your page footer should do the trick.

Additional Recommendations:

Low Amount of Written Content

There is a scarcity of written content. The amount of text you have for each page averages around 454 words. It’s typically best for website pages to have at least 500 words that are topical for the content, are keyword-rich, and can easily be read by your audience if you want your pages to achieve higher Search Engine Rankings.

Low Amount of Backlinks

The amount of “Backlinks” your website contains is also minimal. Backlinks to authoritative sites can be an excellent way to improve search result performance. It can signal to Search Engines that your page has more importance and authority through your page’s inter-connectedness to other authoritative, important sites.

However, I have a solution that can remedy both your Text and Backlink issues in one fell swoop. I can help you create a “Content” page and map out a blogging content plan to gradually populate it with keyword-rich blog posts pertaining to your services and specialties. I can also help create a backlink strategy for each post and connect with other businesses and media marketing bloggers to feature links to your posts in their content. This way more people will have a better chance of seeing your website through your content.

To help you get started with this strategy, I created a blog post based on your “Mixed Beverage” analogy for effective graphic design. It has an appropriate usage of keywords based on graphic design, branding, business messaging, and colors, as well as a total of 2 authoritative backlinks to sources on design and marketing (keep in mind that I had to fill in a few blanks due to lack of proper context).

You can find that blog post-PDF here:


What you can also do as you start is use some of the informational posts that you made for your Facebook audience, and refurbish them to fit a blogging format:

In Conclusion:

Ultimately, your SEO ratings for upperonestudiosinc.com are still mainly positive. And between your content and services, it’s no wonder how you managed to find so much success in your community. This audit is meant to showcase my findings for your website’s biggest issues and offer solutions on how to best improve your overall SEO status and results.

I would love to continue this conversation on how I can provide value for your business in an interview. You can reach me via LinkedIn text, or email at apnehring@outlook.com

Thank you for your time.



Andrew Nehring

Young professional learning how I can provide value to others by writing about my experiences, YouTube, entertainment, cooking, the faith, memes, etc.