Art & Politics

1 min readMay 16, 2019

I have priced this painting of mine for $5000000.00. Now I am thinking to raise the price after seeing this junk statue of Jeff Koons. Salvatore Dali was a fascist and so is Jeff Koons, a Zionist. They are equal in Numbers in mathematics. His work is not a concept of true art. As this proves how foolish New Yorkies are. They always want to win with fame and money. Factual imperialism. It is not important to me if anyone buys my painting. Yet if they had thus would show a sign of intelligence. Yet Jewish people would not allow this to happen if one is not Jewish. Jewish-Israel which equals as fascists and Zionists, holding the world along Iran`s regime hostages. As an Iranian-Roman-Persian, I know this for certain. Meaning the current regime of Iran is equal to Israel. Yet they are different smart alecs, keeping you distracted and busy. The buyer was not disclosed!? Most likely a Jew or wanna be a jew. Art cannot become politically correct or incorrect. Art will avenge you all.

