Python Playtime: Build Your Own Dice Rolling Simulator in Just a Few Lines of Code

Mahad Ahmad
2 min readMar 13, 2023


Photo by Ric Tom on Unsplash

The dice rolling simulator is a simple Python programme that allows users to simulate rolling dice. The programme simulates the experience of rolling a physical dice by asking the user how many sides the dice has and then generating a random number between 1 and the number of sides. This programis ideal for beginning Python programmers who want to practice their skills and learn how to use basic input/output functions and loops.

Python Code:-

import random

# get the number of sides for the dice
num_sides = int(input("How many sides does the dice have? "))

# roll the dice
roll_again = "y"
while roll_again == "y":
print("Rolling the dice...")
print("The result is:", random.randint(1, num_sides))
roll_again = input("Roll again? (y/n) ").lower()


  • We begin by importing the random module, which will be used to generate random numbers.
  • The input() function is used to ask the user how many sides the dice has, and the int() function is used to convert the input to an integer.
  • We create a loop that will keep rolling the dice until the user stops it.
  • We use the print() function inside the loop to announce that we’re rolling the dice, and then we use the random.randint() function to generate a random number between 1 and the number of sides on the dice. We then print the outcome.
  • Finally, we use the input() function to prompt the user to roll again. If they enter “y,” the loop will continue; if they enter “n,” the loop will end and the programme will exit.

After running this code, the user should be prompted to enter the number of sides on the dice, and the programme should then roll the dice repeatedly and print out the results until the user chooses to stop.


To summarise, creating a dice rolling simulator in Python is a simple and fun way to practise your programming skills. You can create a programme that simulates the experience of rolling a physical dice by using Python’s random number generator and basic input/output functions. This project is a great way to learn and have fun with Python, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer. So why not give it a shot and see what happens?



Mahad Ahmad

Hello and welcome! I'm a Python magician specializing in data science, machine learning, AI, and deep learning. Let's explore the world of data together!