Apollo Limousine
Apollo Limousine
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2016

If your working life revolves around the corporate world, it would be fair to say that you will endure your fair share of business meetings. Whether these are impromptu meetings held on-site or across town, your attendance is usually mandatory. While the ones that are held on company grounds are pretty simple to attend, getting to those that may be out in the city or even across the country can be tricky. This is just one of the many reasons why you should consider using a NJ CORPORATE CAR SERVICE.

Do you have an important business meeting coming up that requires even a little bit of travel? We’ve put together a few reasons why you should book Apollo’s Limousine Service for any of your corporate travel needs.

When First Impressions Are Key

This is one of the most important aspects of creating lasting business contacts for your career. Whether you’re meeting a potential client or a possible new employee, first impressions can make or break these interactions. You can use a NJ Corporate Car Service to ensure that first impression is on track to being a good one. Imagine pulling up to the nicest restaurant in New Jersey in the back of a luxurious vehicle and allowing the chauffeur to open the back door for you to get out for that first handshake with that potential client. This image alone just oozes class and success. You can’t get this type of reaction when you pull up in your own personal vehicle.

Corporate Retreats

Corporate car services aren’t just for the business meetings your company may hold on a regular basis, they can also be used to transport several employees to and from corporate retreats. These types of getaways can be great for boosting employee morale, improving interdepartmental communications, and just giving your employees a chance to relax away from the office. Make sure everyone arrives to the final destination of these events by arranging for the best ground transportation in New Jersey that offers up vehicle options like a motor coach with a capacity of 55 passengers or a Sprinter. These vehicles have the ability to transport several people as well as any luggage they may need.

Out-of-Town Trips

If you’re coming from Bergen County or any local areas where we offer our services for business or pleasure, a NJ Corporate Car Service can take the headache and stress out of your transportation arrangements. When coming to our beautiful city, don’t put your faith in a rental car. Instead, reserve a corporate car service that can pick you up from the airport, load your luggage for you, and ensure you arrive at your hotel in the lap of luxury. Additionally, the drivers are usually native to the area and can recommend the best restaurants that only the locals know about as well as entertainment options for your downtime. You can also rest assured that you will make that coveted first impression when your car service delivers you to any important business meetings you may have while in town.

Corporate Galas or Events

You’ll probably be invited to a few of these throughout the year, whether they’re for charity, holidays, or awards, and a NJ Corporate Car Service can make sure you enjoy yourself as much as possible. They will deliver you to the venue on time and you won’t have to worry about finding a parking spot or deal with fighting traffic. You and your date for the evening can sit in the back while sipping a glass of champagne before arriving completely relaxed and ready for anything the evening can throw at you. In the event you drink a few too many of those glasses of champagne, having reserved a car service will ensure you arrive home safe and sound. You don’t want to ruin a perfectly good evening or a stellar impression with your company by driving home after a glass of wine.

These are only just a few of the great reasons why a corporate car service is perfect for your next business meeting, corporate retreat, or event.

Whether you are traveling alone or as a group, for a business meeting or when entertaining a client, on a routine trip or for a special event, Apollo Limousine Service offers the perfect solution for all your travel needs.

When you call Apollo, you get the best of both worlds:

You get peace of mind

Our customized software system allows you to rest assured that your personal data will be stored securely and retrieved easily; your email confirmation will be sent directly to your smartphone; your flight status will be checked regularly; your chauffeur will be waiting for you when and where you expect him.

You get personal service

Apollo is more than technology. Apollo is people. No anonymous, national call centers. No robotic voices. Instead, you get real, local personnel, carefully screened and specially trained, who will come to know you by name, and who will take your satisfaction seriously.

The difference is in the details. We go the extra mile to inspect every reservation, to repeat and verify information for accuracy, to confirm all rides via email and telephone, to check and double check and triple check with our drivers, and to anticipate and prevent problems before they happen.

Originally published at Apollo Limousine service NJ.



Apollo Limousine
Apollo Limousine

Apollo provides first class NJ car service with reliable and affordable rates. Whether you are traveling alone or with a group, we have a vehicle for every need