Progress Update — April II

2 min readApr 24, 2018


Dear all,

It’s been quite busy for us since our last update 2 weeks ago. Many things happened, particularly our presentation on Skycoin’s launch conference was quite overwhelming to all of us, which you may find everywhere on our social media channels — indeed we were excited.

Well, Australia and India. Yes. But also another one — Singapore

Anyhow, below are some updates from our side. Please take a look to it and keep you guys updated:

1 Technical White Paper

By the end of this month or the beginning of May, our complete technical white paper will be published on our official website & telegram .

In general, this WP covers topics like a comprehensive view of world electricity market status-quo, why Australia is a perfect pilot country for trial, how blockchain tech deploys on micro-grids and current retail model, and illustration of how PV station works as well as main construction procedures.

2 Customised Energy Consumption Scenario

Delivering a customised energy consumption plan based on an end-user’s electricity consumption habit is our ultimate goal. However, how to realise such highly smart grid while secure people’s data and their privacy via blockchain tech is a complex process. These 2 weeks, we have been working on studying them and trying to deepen their content in our technical WP.

3 APL Wallet &……AIRDROP!


Our CTO and developers dedicated on working out the APL wallet during last 2 weeks. Now it’s already downloadable, and we are working on our first AIRDROP event.

We didn’t put too much time and energy on marketing & PR work for our project, so you may find us perhaps are a bit “silent”. Well, shortly after you will find us being active on our marketing actions!



