[Official] ApolloX Whitelist/KYC Guide

3 min readAug 30, 2018


Thank you for your interest in ApolloX Protocol Token Sale. Whitelist and KYC is required for both pre-sale and public sale of ApolloX Token (APXT). This post will explain the background regarding the detailed KYC procedures.

Why ApolloX requires KYC (Know Your Customer):

KYC procedure is required under existing AML/CFG legislation globally. In additional to the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act, the United Nations Act,and the TFSA additionally set out prohibitions and sanction requirements which are imposed on non-financial institutions.

TL;DR -> It’s the law.

KYC/Whitelist Form and Period:

The KYC application will be available starting Aug 31st 10AM PST, 2018. It will be available throughout the token sale period.

The KYC form and whitelist is in our ApolloX member portal

KYC form-> https://apollox.network/account/kyc

Whitelist form -> https://apollox.network/account/whitelist)

Both form musted to be submitted and approved before you can participate in our token sale.

KYC Outcome:

KYC usually takes 24 to 48 hours to process. We will inform you of the results through both email and the member portal itself. Make sure to add no-reply@apollox.network to your email whitelist so you won’t miss our notifications.

Acceptable form of Identification:

Government-Issued Passport Photo ID (encouraged)

Government-Issued National Photo ID (encouraged)

Driver’s License

Non-Acceptable form of Identification:

Student Card

Identification Card without Photo

Credit Card

Club Membership Card

KYC Submission Disqualification Factors:

You will be disqualified if:

-you are residents of the U.S. and China, as well as those located in a jurisdiction where the Token Sale is prohibited, restricted or unauthorised in any form or manner whether in full or in part under its laws, regulatory requirements or rules

-you have submitted incomplete documents, poorly-taken selfie photographs and we are unable to verify your profile

Step-by-step Guide

  1. Register an account on https://apollox.network/account/login

If you already have an account from previous bounty campaign, you can use the same account. Do not register multiple accounts

2. Visit https://apollox.network/account/whitelist and fill out the whitelist form. Once the whitelist form is submitted, the page will update status to Pending. It will turns into approved or action required within 48 hours.

3. Visit https://apollox.network/account/kyc and follow the on-page instructions for KYC. Once the KYC application is submitted, the page will update status to Pending. It will turns into approved or action required within 24 hours.

Contact US

If you don’t hear from us after 48 hours, please contact our support team at support@apollox.network

