Prime Minister Also Has Fundamental Rights: Finland’s Young PM Sanna Marin is Again in News

Why can’t the prime minister party boisterously?

Apoorva Mishra, Ph.D.
4 min readAug 20, 2022
Photo by Michael Discenza on Unsplash

Sanna Marin, the young Prime Minister of Finland is again in the international news for the so-called ‘Scandal’ or ‘Partygate.’ In a democratic country, every citizen (Including the Prime Minister) has fundamental rights. What I cannot understand is why has this become such a big issue.

A video (Probably leaked) showing Sanna Marin dancing with friends at a party was shared on social media. Initially, when I heard this news, I thought of two possible reasons, either as per the security protocol this could have been an issue or if this would have hampered her duties as the Prime Minister of the country. But, in the media reports, I did not find any of these reasons.

After this issue gained popularity, the Prime Minister told the media that

“These videos are private and filmed in a private space. I resent that these became known to the public.”

As per Reuters ( a newspaper named ‘Helsingin Sanomat’ said the episode raised questions about her judgment. The paper wrote in an editorial that:

“Marin may have acted in good faith, but this gullible she should not be”

I found it ridiculous. Seriously?

The newspaper continued:

“The prime minister can, in a sensitive situation, put the weapons of information warfare in the hands of those who would like to hurt Finland.”

Again, I found this statement also far-fetched. Partying with known friends at a private event cannot be considered as something serious as that.

As per Reuters, the Prime Minister said the video was a compilation of clips from two separate occasions a few weeks ago. She said people at the events consumed alcohol but no one took drugs to her knowledge.

“We just partied, also in a boisterous way. I danced and sang.”

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

As per ‘The Hindu’ (

Prime Minister said on Friday that she had taken a drugs test in the wake of video footage published earlier this week that showed her partying with friends, and vowed she had never used illegal drugs. “I have today taken a drug test and the results will come within a week,” she told a news conference. “Never in my life have I used drugs.”

Regarding this drug theory also, I think that the onus of proving anything wrong should be on those who are accusing such things. The basic fundamental of law is “A person is innocent until proven guilty.”

I think that apart from this, there is a gender bias also at play. If any male leader would have been found dancing and partying, this would not have become this big international issue. Despite the multiple claims of having achieved ‘gender quality’ and ‘women empowerment’ incidents like these clearly show that our society is not yet fully mature.

If a lady holding the post of Prime Minister could be judged and targeted like this based on a dance video at a private party, it reflects the mindset of society towards women. There has been a lot of support also for the Prime Minister from across the globe and I am optimistic that the number of these people will definitely be much higher than those denigrating her.

Please comment to let me know what you think about this issue.

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Apoorva Mishra, Ph.D.

Doctorate in IT with specialization in AI, Voluntarily retired from Government job to explore life. YouTube: