Conflict Resolution Mechanism

6 min readJan 29, 2018


Honor aims to decentralize the market of service providers, Only in Brazil, there are more than 30 Million people that provide services in their homes or in the residence of third parties, caused that in 2016 the sector moves 10% of the Brazilian GDP, or approximately US $50 billion dollars per year.

Faced with this new trend, the hiring process of an autonomous service provider has faced several risks and inefficiencies due to the uncertainty and complexity of the traditional and archaic model of the supply and demand of autonomous work.

Look at my example, recently I did an android data collector app, where I sold 10 licenses of this app which cost for company that hired me 10 thousand reais, but not everything is flowers, of those 10 thousand reais I only received 7 thousand, since the 3 thousand that would be mine by right went directly to the government as taxation, that is, you perform the service and 30% is just tax, that’s how our current Brazilian model works.

We have for example platform boxes in the market, which charge to indicate a customer to the service provider, where they are often charged from 5 to 10% of the final service, ie the platform by indicating the customer to the provider is hurting him. Let’s take the example Uber that in all races holds his drivers the equivalent of 25% of it, and because I say holds, precisely because he does it with all the drivers of the platform where the company gets richer every time, and the provider, who really is what makes all this magic happen is injured. The service provider needs a completely autonomous platform that does not discount anything about the service provided, it is so we created the JUBS platform that aims to provide this powerful tool to all service providers in Brazil and the World.

The Token Honor aims to be a coin of glue of any and all type service offered to any type of person.

In order to be a payment token, we are making available to the JUBS Platform proving the total application of the token, in this model we are innovating in the segment of service rendering solving chronic problems hitherto unfeasible without blockchain technology. With Public Key / Private Key immutable authentication technology, performance and reputation ratings consist of real evaluations, with a history of services and actions saved in the block chain ensuring the reliability of the information, prices and hiring of services that will result in quality services at a fair price.

To avoid conflicts between service provider and customer, we are creating a decentralized court, which aims to resolve possible dissatisfaction generated by one of the parties involved.

But how does the court work?

The Court is fully written in solidity, that is to say, controlled by a smart contract and will be recorded all its decisions in Blockchain Ethereum, thus we guarantee the total transparency and confidence of the decisions taken there.

The Court will select judges for the best evaluated service providers of the platform and this in a random way, because this way we guarantee that the judges do not create vices or descasos with possible judgments, after locating 5 judges, if the trial begins, but remembering that the judges do not have access to information about other judges and do not even know the name or personal information about the defendant and the victim (Accuser). They have access only to process data, such as chat conversation, photos and other attached data.

How do we guarantee a fair vote?

Let’s create an example:

Daniel (Client) is complaining that Diego (Service Provider) painted a wall, but that a week later he began peeling an ink, so Daniel comes with an order of action against Diego, the requested system that both as parts relate and format of all the material for your defense, such as photos of work done without day or photos of the material used.

After this process the system will choose the judges, you may be judging a close person, but as the system does not provide you with photos of the identity or personal data you will not know who the people are involved, but rather the process in question. The system will locate five judges randomly sending you a request for trial participation with expiration date, this ensures that only judges who have available time accepted the request, the system managing to locate the five judges will start the trial process, which request the vote and justification of the judges. All judges know that the other 4 members in addition have a high rating rating and voted fairly, so it will have to be forced to vote fairly in order to match the others. Let’s suppose that the process ended four votes in favor of Daniel and a vote in favor of Diego, as one of the judges simply did not vote like the majority, then his vote will be sent to the system analysts, to verify if his justification matches with the process, so as to avoid disregard in the process and always guarantee a fair voting system, if it proves the neglect your jury note will be lowered and later will go to the end of the queue as possible system choices as juri, of course the note as service provider will not be affected, only your note as jury, the jury note is an internal control and recorded in the blockchain so that it can be audited by anyone.

At the end of the algorithm process will subsidize with HONOR currencies the judges who voted fairly, all judges, if it is not proven the disregard in the vote of the judge who voted against the majority he will also receive reward. This is done to ensure loyalty for the FAIR vote. When closing the process the party that has lost will have to bear the costs of work and the process.

To open a lawsuit against another person, you must have HONOR currencies, so we avoid unnecessary process spam and ensure that the party is willing to spend to defend your position.

Any person holding open proceedings on their behalf will be prevented from making withdrawals in order to ensure the interests of both parties involved. After the process, the service will be released again.

All processes that have taken place and are in progress will be registered in the blockchain and may be consulted and audited by all persons who are or are not part of the JUBS platform. Of course within the platform will have a friendly environment to view the processes that have occurred and pending.

Want to know more?

Access the whitepaper: link




O Ecossistema Descentralizado de Trabalho Sob-demanda