Jubs | The Working Decentralized Ecosystem On-demand

4 min readDec 29, 2017


The need to find a service provider is something everyday you are American or European, independent of its 30% of the productive population of the world culture sells its service to third parties autonomously and independently and that’s what keeps them.

However the same problems of providing services centuries ago remain independent of the current proposals of the internet solutions 2.0.

It’s torture to customers hire service providers for complex services (references, availability, technical visit, a stranger into your home, word contract, among others …)

Or even when they think about finding someone to outsource simple tasks (like washing the dinner dishes).

The worst problem is when there is no where else to ask for directions, going to look for professionals outside their social circles:

In search engines, classified or applications that ultimately you have and give them a farewell, or eat 30% to the value of the service in the end who will pay is the consumer.

There in also the feeling of inevitable vulnerability to acts of dishonesty, harassment, and also the lack of assurance that the service will be well executed, generating a deep sense of anguish and insecurity that only through internet 3.0 to Jubs platform and its Token Honor (Honor) can permanently cure the pain and consumer professionals, through reliability and weight of contracts

Turn problems and technology in simplicity and convenience

It is proposing the informal career platform called Jubs.

Using gamification algorithms, rewards and smart contracts based on blockchain Ethereum network, the platform is capable of storing immutable and transparent record by building a community of informal professional excellence based on character, reputation and performance …

Ensuring payments, establishing guarantees of functional services and more, while providing new job opportunities for those in need.

The Emergence of cryptocurrency that feeds whole Platafoma

Unlike traditional criptomoedas like Bitcoin, the HONOR token comes in addition to being just a transactional cryptocurrency but a token utility that feeds the whole Jubs platform, this includes:

· Conversion Professionals Signing the Platform in credits for Service Payments

· Credit conversion Banking or Cash on Criptomoedas for Service Payments

· Rewards and Incentives For Professionals 5 stars (The Workstars)

· Liability Insurance Maintenance

· Service Extended Warranties adoption

· Compensation for Conflict Resolution and Community Relevance

· Reward Bonus for New Professionals Indications Subscribers in Platform

Through token, the team aims to create and develop the most decentralized community of informal exchange of services between customers and young professionals initially in Latin America, globally expanding in two years.

Home sales Tokens and Benefits of Coin Holders

There is great enthusiasm to introduce the new Jubs ecosystem HONOR +, as a significant contribution to facilitate the entry of young professionals to the labor market at the same time appreciates the experience of informal professional excellence. These are some of the benefits of the new economy:

· The Billing Model — 50% of the signing of each new professional sThethe repurchased HONOR’s investors in partner exchanges, providing large shipments of all recurring investment in the economy month. HONOR’s Extinguished Monthly Exchanges in Partner:

Inserted Capital projection in Relation to New Professionals Active Subscribers in Jubs Platform

· High potential for appreciation — Practitioners are JubsThethe motivated to book their’S HONOR access resources as collateral, insurance or purchase other services. Such incentives condition increasingly currency appreciation with the the growth of the network.

· Populous and Billionaire market — The informal labor market according to the ILO’sThethe more than 200 MillionsOes of people worldwide. In Brazil alone, 30 million service providers move each year $ 50 billion per year.

· Confidence in Execution — Formed by young talent, the Jubs developers team signed a vesting contract of 5 years (guaranteed participation in business as an investment contract).

· Partners’ participation — Only 10% of criptomoedas sTheaimed at the Jubs team equally and only powerTheIt is claimed after two yearsOsa initial sale of HONOR’s.

The cryptocurrency Honor (HNR) will be distributed at a ratio of HNR 1 ETH by the participants — based on the quotation of the day — the pertinitial sale anode, which isThe expected to eatwair on January 15, 2018 with a 50% bonus for early investors.

The initial pre-sale period (pre-ICO) will run for four weeks or within 24 hours if the ceiling of $ 15M USD are reached.

Do you want to know more about us? visit:

Site: honor.appjubs.com

BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2620238.0


Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/appjubs/shared_invite/enQtMjg4Njg4Nzk4MDU1LTljYjE4MGU1NGYzNDFhNzg3ZGExZmQyYzZhN2ZjMTI5Mzg4NjY0NjM1NTlhODg5ZTU5YTRlZmEyYWNlMjFiZWQ

Twitter: https://twitter.com/appjubs/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/appjubs/





O Ecossistema Descentralizado de Trabalho Sob-demanda