Rating in a new dimension

Latium: Rating at its best!

Evelyn Jeremiah
5 min readNov 17, 2017


The entire global labour market is face with the challenges of transparency.

The employer may be thinking that the employee is at advantage and vise visa. But the problem is not created by any of these two parties but rather by the regulations governing the labour market.

Having this understanding, it is time, the employers and employees come to an agreement by developing a system or platform that will be favourable for both of them, Where transparency will rule rather than suspicion. Like we all are aware of this, that before an idea comes to your mind, it has as well been revealed in the minds of a thousand persons.

Latium as a platform has conceived and birthed this idea of bringing transparency into the global labour market. Latium is the very first and presently the only platform to merge a completely automated rating system in a one-to many relationship structures, whereby a single job is allowed to be accomplished by as many people as possible.

It is true that when there is a will there is also a way, but this becomes so different in the case of the employer and employee. The employee may have the best skills to deliver a particular task but by the reason of the authorities in his or her location, there arises restrictions that will hamper the extent of which he or she can utilize their skills. The same challenges arises for the employer, it is a good thing to be an employer of labour, but the fact is, how many of the said employers can testify of satisfactory delivery of task by employee?

Latium platform therefore, is created with one of the objectives of bringing a global solution to the issues of restrictions in hiring or being hired to complete a task in the global market.

In the global market also, there is the challenge of reputation between the employer or employee whereby both parties never have a tangible knowledge of the other party but with Latium platform in place, peace and transparency will be restore. Necessary information on both parties will be made available. No blind dating so to say, “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG).

No more hiding behind huge displayed or printed profile or references because if for instance, a job is given out to be done and an employee is employed to do so, at the end, if the job is not properly delivered as expected, the employer has the right not to pay the employee. With this in place at Latium, everybody gets serious, no delivery no pay. No wasted efforts or money.

We are also aware that the global payment system is almost at the speed of snail. Jobs or tasks may be completed but timely payment becomes a problem. For instance, some employers don’t pay their employee at the end of the month say for those that are paid based on monthly agreement as it is in our part of the world, but such payments are made first week of the next month or even later. So delay in payment is becoming more like a tradition and no one wants to lose his or her job, so everyone just have to bear it like that, after all, there are millions of people globally who are seeking effortlessly for same opportunity. The employer sees it as a favour done to the employee but Latium has created a system whereby what is termed as task-marker is put in place to automatically follow each task or job and release the equivalent amount to pay for any completed task via LATX token which serve as a mean of exchange or payment. This on its own brings a total balance in Latium platform, and it is not found on any other platform.

The entrance of cryptocurrency into the global market powered by the blockchain technology caused some cold or discomfort, in that, it was not completely accepted as a means of payment for goods and services, but Latium Platform is here to remove the cold by the creation of the LATX token which will be used as a means of payment for completed jobs within the system.

One of the best sides of Latium platform is the fact that, rating is made simple. As a freelancer or an investor, if your job is not properly rated, it is a big challenge and this can easily discourage even the most enthusiastic individual. Latium therefore has created an automated rating system that is not influence by human view. This is a huge relief for the global market in general as well as individuals.

In conclusion, the benefits of Latium platform are endless,

- A client is allowed to create task, choose those that can apply for the task and confirm if such task is duly done. Meaning that Latium as a platform is flexible compared to other platforms.

- There will be easy access to cryptocurrency.

- Just like the democratic system of government, everyone has the liberty to choose the kinds of job to accomplish and whom to accomplish such jobs for. Meaning that, there is an open relationship between the employees and employers. They are accessible to each other.

- The platform is also free to use, except for those who wish to create task, they are the ones that are saddled with the responsibility of paying for service fees on the platform.

- Latium platform also provides real-time payments as a result of providing solution to real — time problems.

- There is transparency which is a necessary ingredient at the nucleus of every business, if such business must stand the test of time.

A total of 22,160,172 LATX was sold in the presale at a fix rate of 2,200 LATX per Ether.

The whitelist sale has opened since November 15th, 2017 and ends in November 28th 2017 while the general sale is slated to open on the 28th of November, 2017.

Don’t be left out, you are welcome on-board.

Join the sales!


Authored By:




Evelyn Jeremiah

I am Evelyn, a content/copy writer, Data Entry specialist, Android and Web Developer and a certified Digital Marketer on about 23 social media platforms