Conquering Challenges Without Comparison

2 min readAug 16, 2023


(Lessons from Dean Furness)

In life, we’re constantly measured against various standards from our height and weight in infancy to our speed and strength as we grow. Even in school and our careers, test scores, salaries, and job performance determine how we stack up against our peers. But what if we shifted our perspective on these personal averages? Instead of using them as a yardstick for comparison, what if we saw them as unique milestones on our individual journeys? This thought struck me when I encountered the story of Dean Furness, a man who found inspiration in redefining his personal average and accomplishing extraordinary things.

Dean Furness’s story began with an unexpected incident in 2011. On a regular December evening, a bale of hay fell from a tractor, severely injuring him. The accident shattered his T5 and T6 vertebrae, leaving him with limited mobility from the chest down. This incident reshaped his personal average drastically. As he grappled with the reality of his new circumstances, Dean learned a powerful lesson — rather than dwelling on past abilities, he needed to embrace his present and future potential.

Dean’s journey of rehabilitation led him to understand the significance of our perception of good and bad days. He realized that these judgments are tied to our personal averages and growth. Instead of allowing setbacks to dictate his outlook, Dean chose to swiftly move forward, focusing on the next challenge at hand. This mindset shift allowed him to maximize positive experiences, ultimately raising his personal average and creating a more balanced perspective.

What stands out in Dean’s journey is his venture into wheelchair racing. Despite being surrounded by accomplished athletes, he refused to compare himself to others. Instead, he concentrated on his own progress and the incremental improvements he made. This dedication propelled him to achieve remarkable feats, proving that redefining our personal averages can lead us beyond our perceived limitations.

As we continue on our own paths, Dean’s story reminds us that our personal averages are unique to us. Each one of us faces challenges and adversities, whether visible or hidden. By focusing on our personal growth rather than comparing ourselves to others, we can redefine our averages and achieve greatness. Just like Dean’s journey to wheelchair racing, we can strive to excel in various aspects of our lives as parents, spouses, friends, and professionals.

So, let’s take a page out of Dean Furness’s book and rewrite our narrative. Embrace your personal average as a reflection of your progress, and remember that you have the power to set new standards for yourself. The challenges you face are opportunities for growth, and by choosing to focus on your journey, you can accomplish extraordinary things.




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