Oven Repair — Tips and Maintenance — Appliance Medic

Appliance Medic
2 min readJun 14, 2019

Whether you want to try a new dish in your oven or just heat up the pizza from last night, you must always ensure that your oven is well maintained and clean. Below we are discussing the top 7 tips for oven maintenance that have been brought from the best oven repair companies-

1. Regular cleaning of your oven

According to one of the best appliance repair company in NJ and NY, Appliance Medic, you must try to clean up your oven at least 2 times a year. If you use your oven very often, you might have to clean it up more frequently.

2. Using the self-cleaning feature

You must follow the manufacturer guidelines for your oven to safely use the self-cleaning mode of your oven. Keep a window open nearby as it may become hot during the process. after the process finishes, let it cool down for a minimum 6 hours before you wipe it clean.

3. Leave the area under knobs

Do not remove the knob of your oven while cleaning. If you do so, the situation may get messed up and you might have to call an oven repair company. You might want to open it and clean it up as well but remember that oven is an electric appliance. Bringing it into contact with water might lead to a short circuit.

4. Replace the gas line

Whenever you purchase a new gas oven you must always replace its gas line. While the whole movement and replacement, there are chances of gas leakages. Replacing the gas line at the initial stage can save you a lot of money in the future. You can also ensure safety.

You can purchase a new gas pipe from the company that will install your oven. The labor fee may vary from company to company.

5. Always unplug your oven while cleaning with water

Whenever you clean your oven by hand, always remember to unplug it. By this, you have the least chances of any damage to you or your oven and also any short circuit.

You should first spray a baking soda and water mixture in the whole oven. Then wipe off the oven with dish soap to remove the grease. Now lastly, use a vinegar and water solution in the whole oven to make the parts shiny and remove any germs.



Appliance Medic

Appliance Medic gives its customers an extensive, go-to source for appliance repair and maintenance. https://appliance-medic.com