Top 10 Javascript Chart Libraries for Developers

3 min readOct 27, 2022

Must-know chart libraries when building apps with JavaScript.

Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash

I love JavaScript.

I use it every day as my primary technology for both the front end and backend stack.

A lot of my clients will ask for charts or graphs in the applications (especially when I am building dashboards for them).

Over a period of time, I have tried both free and paid JavaScript Chart libraries. Here are my Top 10 JavaScript Chart libraries that I recommend to all developers.

Library #1: D3.js

D3 JS is one of the most popular JavaScript charting libraries. The library is equally famous among developers and data scientists.

Using D3.js we can easily create a visualization in various different formats like bar charts, scatter charts, treemaps, lines, and much more.

The library usage can be applied to all domains and industries for analysis and visual representation of data.

Library #2: Google Charts

If you want to display live data on your website, Google charts are your go-to solution.

Google charts provide rich interactive graphics and visualization and best of…




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