The birth of Doulab: Empowering the rising billion to create sustainable exponential organizations that deliver meaningful change

6 min readMar 3, 2019


We accelerate entrepreneurship

Doulab is building a global innovation ecosystem to help organizations create significant radical changes, transforming entrepreneurship to accelerate all stages of creation and transformation of new and existing organizations.

According to Peter Diamandis, founder, and chairman of the X Prize Foundation:

The most dramatic (positive) change in our global economy is about to occur between 2016 and 2020.

Three to 5 billion new consumers, who have never purchased anything, never uploaded anything and never invented and sold anything, are about to come online and provide a mega-surge to the global economy.

We’re about to hit 2020 so let’s check how accurate was this prediction back in 2015:


With just 27% to go to hit 1 billion, we can see that 726 million new internet users logged in for the first time between 2015 and 2018 so we can take for granted that Peter’s prediction will actually come short. More than one billion people will have connected for the first time to the internet between 2015 and 2020.

What does this mean for the global economy?

In their book “The Startup Equation”, Steven Fisher and Ja-Nae Duane assert:

Globally, there are about 380 million entrepreneurs. That means, if you had a network of 100 people, you’d probably know at least five entrepreneurs. With people living longer than ever before, we’ll see the largest surplus of workers in history during the next 10 years. But with job choices diminished, people will find themselves adapting to entrepreneurship out of necessity. As a result, we expect to see an average of one billion more entrepreneurs in the next 10 years.

On this 2019 article, Dr. Kai Fu Lee predicts that 40% of all jobs will be lost to automation by 2030. And on this 2016 blog post Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, of the World Economic Forum, stated:

“The speed of current breakthroughs has no historical precedent. When compared with previous industrial revolutions, the Fourth is evolving at an exponential rather than at a linear pace. Moreover, it is disrupting almost every industry in every country. And the breadth and depth of these changes herald the transformation of entire systems of production, management, and governance”.

Mr. Schwab furthermore explains in this Center for the fourth Industrial Revolution introductory video:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a fusion of the digital, the physical and the biological. It’s changing not only what we are doing, it’s changing who we are… The speed is mind boggling. What I’m concerned about is how little the world is prepared.

This accelerated pace of change is not only present in networking and computer systems, which is what the majority of people are noticing. Bio and nano technologies, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, the abundance of unlimited renewable energies, space related technologies are all advancing radically in shorter time frames. Every single industry is literally being disrupted right now.

The accelerated pace of change is being brought about by the break neck pace of advancement of exponential technologies. According to Moore’s law “processor speeds, or overall processing power for computers will double every two years”. Dr. Ray Kurzweil, author of The Singularity Is Near, technologies have been evolving at this doubling pace for more than 150, 000 years in a very predictable fashion. However, our brains haven’t had an upgrade in the last 50,000 years. We simply can’t physically adapt to this pace of change.

With an abundance of knowledge, and even more affordable technologies coming into existence every single day, even a kid in Dominican Republic, South Africa or India can create impressive innovation.

This is a radical era. Innovations that only kings or presidents had access in the past or even very wealthy people would’ve only dreamed of, are now accesible to billions of people. And more is coming, much much more.

What will the rising billion, a very vulnerable subset of society, do in the face of all this accelerated change?

Adapt or die.

Yes, it does sound harsh, but that is the unequivocal reality (hopefully not literally, although that will depend on each one of us adapting).

Creating a global organization today is easier than ever.

What used to take thousands of dollars, hundreds or thousands of workers, and decades to accomplish, can now be created by a very small team or even a dedicated single individual with the right skillset and access to the right technologies.

This means that a few people can now have the same impact that only governments could before.

So, in the face of all the uncertainty cresting by the massive liberation of resources brought about by the 4th Industrial Revolution what we propose is the following:

Accelerate entrepreneurship by massively automating and simplyfing the process of conceptualizing, validating, designing, building and launching an exponential organization.

As it’s been validated over and over again, entrepreneurship itself is a process, and a process can be learned, applied and improved using engineering methodologies.

If the premise of a startup, according to Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup, is to “create a new product or service in conditions of extreme uncertainty”, and because managing that uncertainty is what makes creating or transforming an organization into an exponential one impressively hard, specially when you’re delivering radical value 10 times better, cheaper and faster than anything else in the market, then we at Doulab realized that we needed to teach people how to navigate that uncertainty faster, at a global scale, at tens of thousands of times the scale of anything else that existed before.

Yeah.. Right… How?

OK. So what’s the plan.

  1. Launch an Exponential Innovation Sprint. Digitally, at a low cost per participant company or project, and with a structure than can scale easily, and globally. Focusing exclusively in 4 simple outcomes:
  • A. Clearly understand the problem space and teach the participants how to inspire others to join them on creating an exponential organization through the use of a Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP).
  • B. Research the customer, it’s pains, the problem and it’s solution opportunities. Clearly understand the Minimun Viable Ecosystem of your organization.
  • C. Validate all hipotesys, or through in validation, iterate into a sustainable, easily scalable exponential business model.
  • D. Prototype (fast) a prototype organization and solution around all the validated hypothesis and data. Then launch that project, and learn some more.

2. Iterate the Sprint itself a couple of times to improve it. Then scale it, globally.

3. Launch an Exponential MVP Sprint. With the participants of previous sprints and some others. Again, digitally, online, globally.

4. Launch an Exponential Acceleration Sprint. And teach participants how to globally scale their organizations. Educate through reinforcement training and close mentorship, guiding them, until they get there, then some more.

5. Iterate all sprints several times, gather all the data, then start the automation process.

6. Launch Phase 1 of an AI assisted Exponential Innovation Sprint. Iterate, learn and improve it.

7. Launch Phase 1 of an AI assisted Exponential MVP Sprint, with the relevant tool set for entrepreneurs to build their platforms themselves. Iterate, learn and improve it.

8. Launch Phase 1 of an AI assisted Exponential Acceleration Sprint. Iterate, learn and improve it.

After that last step, we start venturing into heavily unexplored territory, so we’ll wait to get closer in order to refine that part of the Roadmap.

Our final goal is to massively accelerate all phases of the creation and transformation process for new and existing organizations.

Reducing the uncertainty of launching an ExO by failing even faster, so the formula can be improved to reduce failure rates by learning from all the failed outcomes to apply those learnings to hundreds of millions of new organizations.

What could humanity create if new entrepreneurs everywhere could access such a toolset easily from their mobile phones. If they could learn to create an scalable, purpose driven exponential organization with the same devices they use for Netflix or Instagram?

Harnessing the power of exponential technologies and baking into their project the attributes and DNA of an ExO from the very start, at a massive scale, it’s a proposal that has the potential of creating hundreds of Gutenberg moments daily.

This is not a moonshot. This is even harder. And we love it.

Care to join us?

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