How to Select Name for Your Mobile Application?

3 min readDec 19, 2015


You have a brilliant app idea and spend countless hours building the perfect mobile application. The mobile application development could be a long and a treacherous path, requiring a lot of perseverance. After designing, developing, testing, debugging and finalizing your app, developers often take crucial app store optimization elements for granted. It is the need for a faster time to market resulting in overlooking the most important aspect: Name of your app. Mobile developers consider selecting a name at the end of the process and often take a short cut to reach the finish line.

Here are some important pointers that will help you select the perfect name app:

Keywords Optimized App Name

Your app name plays an important role in downloads. However, this continues to be one of the most ignored aspects in app store optimization. There is a 255 character limit in the iTunes store for App name field. However, don’t try to simply stuff all keywords to title. This will make your app look spammy to users. Instead focus on using important, carefully searched and highly relevant keywords.

It is important to research and try to find out what terms people are searching for in your niche. You can consider figuring out keywords that are searched for but not used often, and include them in your keyword list.

While there is a 255-character limit in iTunes description, only about 25 first characters figure in search results. It is important that you put up the most important descriptive words in the very beginning of your app name.

Think about Domain Name and Social Networking Sites

Don’t just think about your app’s presence in the app world. Social media and website promotion will play an equally important role in your app’s marketing and promotion.

Always check whether the corresponding domain name and social media accounts for your app are available and secure these assets. You can add app to the end of name just to make the branding efforts consistent across all channels.

Don’t Mindlessly Copy

There is no shortcut to success. And the same philosophy applies in the app world. Just don’t copy the display name of other identical or popular app. This route will not take you too far in the app world.

You want your app to stand tall among competition, rather than confuse users. Keep in mind that there are several factors to consider when selecting the right app names avoiding use of characters that users are unlikely to type while searching.

Make it Memorable and Easy to Search

With millions of apps available in the Google Play Store and iOS iTunes, you need to narrow down on an app name that is easy to remember and relevant. On the iOS App Store, your app name carries more importance compared to keywords submitted.

You don’t want to spend time developing an app just to discover that your app name has been trademarked by someone else for their business. Do your homework and research app names. You don’t want to get entangled between other app names.

A common mistake to avoid: overuse of special characters such as the trademark symbol. These are unlikely to be typed out by users and aren’t included in iTunes URLs.

Test It!

Changing app name anytime is not a feasible option as it requires an update in the app store. This makes A/B testing a very important aspect of your app name selection. After all, testing a new name in the app store could take an average nine days to get re-approved.

Landing pages are best to test ASO elements such as app name, icon and screenshots. However, you can consider using services such as UsabilityHub.

Want more insights? Get in touch with our mobile app experts.




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